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If you retire 5 you have to retire 31.  Was there ever a better backfield with those two and Bart?


I find myself in the no camp although his importance to the Lombardi teams probably can't be overstated. To have a so-called glamor boy doing the dirty work Paul did week after week had to resonate in that locker room. Vince, Bart, Jerry and others said that from the 10-yard line and in Hornung was the greatest player they'd ever seen. As for being a legend, certainly the Notre Dame hype machine operating at full pitch in the 50's when college football was king certainly did its part. IIRC Hornung, QB on a losing team, beat out Jim Brown for the Heisman.

I dont like one damn thing FIFA does. Most corrupt group of global ****s in the history of sports. 


Bo Jackson and Marcus Allen are part of the best backfield ever except Jay Schroeder and Steve Beuerlein were pure garbage. Hard to argue with Starr, Hornung, Taylor. 


Steelers have never "officially' retired a jersey. GB in the same spot. Sometimes you just have too many greats. Just ask Jerry Kramer. 

Last edited by ChilliJon
Originally Posted by Fedya:
More corrupt than the IOC?  That's a pretty high bar. 

I just like the idea of a sport that says somebody else is going to get your number in the next tournament (or two or three), no matter how great you are.

Quatar World Cup is looking like FIFA's crowning achievement in a long history of ****ing things up. Last I heard migrant worker deaths for this World Cup were down to 1 every two days. 


But ****. At least Brazil was a glowing success. 


And my apologies for soccer news in a Hornung thread. Last one. 

Last edited by ChilliJon

Packers aren't the Packers without Starr, Lombardi, Ringo, Robinson, Taylor, Reggie, Favre, Kramer, Gregg, Curly, Hutson, McNally, Herber, Tunnell, Canadeo, Ford, Nitschke, Adderly, Wood, Davis, Lofton, Hinkle, Hornung, Cecil, Henderson, Driver, Winters, Tauscher, Rodgers, Green, Clifton, KIesling. 


You don't win 13 World Championships by accident. "Retire" their numbers. Every damn one of them. Officially or unofficially. 


Soldiers of Green Bay. Honor them! Except Favre. Dick. 

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