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So a 49ner exec says he believes in due process before making a decision.  Am I wrong to think its ok to deactivate  MacDonald until the investigation is over.  If innocent give him his paycheck and reactivate him. 


Carolina hasn't played hardy to my knowledge and IIRC he's still in the investigation stage.

He gets his paycheck if deactivated. Only loses it if suspended or cut.


Carolina played Hardy last week. Rivera deactivated him this morning for today's game.

Last edited by ilcuqui
Originally Posted by PackerBackerDPM:

So a 49ner exec says he believes in due process before making a decision.  Am I wrong to think its ok to deactivate  MacDonald until the investigation is over.  If innocent give him his paycheck and reactivate him. 



Winning is more important than doing what's right.  

Until that drive, Niners keeping Bears in the game.


Kap not a very good thrower and often stares down his intended target (first read).


Cant believe Niners aren't running more.


Harbaugh is a d!ck!


F the Bears. TBSS!!

Originally Posted by Iowacheese:

There is some bad defensive foosball teams in this here NFL


Just my opinion

Changes in the rules over the years have really hurt defenses across the board. Looking forward to the pendulum swinging back toward the D.

The pendulum will never swing back to the defenses. It's been a one way trip as far as the rules go for decades. We'll have completely unwatchable basketball in grass in a decade or so. Points and footballs flying through the air draw in the casual fans.

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