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Typical, run-of-the-mill, high ankle sprains are a 4-7 week recovery time. When there is significant widening between the fibula & tibia that does not respond to rehab, surgery is required, as in case of Monty. Sounds like it is an injury that is difficult to initially determine how long recovery time will be. After reading about it more, Monty case does not seem as strange as it did, difficult to predict if therapy alone will stabilize the ankle.  

Montgomery was definitely more the exception than the rule, but I think we can count Cook out for at least the October home stand. Even if he's back by December and full strength for the playoffs, I'd consider that better news than I first guessed as he was carted off.

TE Jared Cook suffered a high-ankle sprain in the team's win, source said. It's pretty swollen & could cause him to miss time.

It'll really depend on if this is the "usual" "run of the mill" high ankle sprain vs a more complicated one. I definitely agree Monty's was certainly the exception and not the rule. The other end of the spectrum was Russell Favre's sprain to start the season which he missed zero time.

Regardless, get the damn TE's involved. When Cook's been on the field, he was basically an afterthought. He finally got some targets last week but it's still apparent Rodgers and MM aren't getting them involved until well into the game.

Dick Rod has looked good. He's gotten better separation, looks faster, and has excellent hands. He and Perillo have value on this offense. Even with Cook out, MM has to do a better job allowing Rodgers/Perillo to roam the middle of the field and get them involved.

There's a Twitter account by the former Chargers team doc that gives insight on pro sports injuries. According to a post of his earlier today, swelling is rare with the high ankle and would imply this is on the more extreme side for the injury. Take it FWIW.

Cook has had fairly minimal injuries for NFL player. Has had two sprained ankles (both right ankle), but they were 7 & 8 years ago, with one described as "mild" but still had him out 2 games. Best guess scenario is a month, worst the entire season.  



Si, Torino.  And I'm related to Saint Joseph Benedict Cottolengo from that area.  As if garden variety Catholic guilt wasn't enough.


Edit:  And for anyone who thinks this subject is off topic, Saint Joseph ran a hospital for the poor, which I can only assume also treated sports injuries.


Last edited by Dr._Bob

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