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Grave Digger posted:
Jody posted:
Grave Digger posted:

Janis is useless. Both big kick returns were to his side and he can't catch a pass. 

But all he needed was a chance though right...

Yeah he needs to take advantage of the those 1.5 targets per game, because DumBvante and Richard Rodgers with their 6 flat speed deserve 15 targets/

You mean our most consistent and healthy receiver that's playing well? Yeah replacing him with Jeff Droppis is smart.

He looks like a champ this game, 2 catches for -1 yards, when does his name go up on the Lambeau ring?

Blair Kiel posted:
Packwarrior posted:

I am hope tis team doesn't make the play0ffs so that stooped face gets fired. This is mediocre football with no energy. Awful play calling and keeps expecting D to step it up with back ups.

And there we have it.

The embodiment of stupidity.

I'm still going with this,

Jody posted:

Since dating his Hollywood starlet, Rodgers has turned into this Smarmy, SJW-type, not very likeable


Packwarrior posted:

I am hope tis team doesn't make the play0ffs so that stooped face gets fired. This is mediocre football with no energy. Awful play calling and keeps expecting D to step it up with back ups.

What in the actual hell?

The Vikings lost to the Lions today and are 1-2 in the division. We control our own destiny and get them at home.

We get the ball to start the half and have every reason to think we can get two quick scores in the 3rd quarter with adjustments. There is no reason we don't win the North. 

You're acting worse than Vikings' fans throwing in the towel against the Lions in the second quarter, and it's disgraceful. 

Rant over, Go Pack Go. 

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