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Just watched the whole game on tape........felt pretty good about it.

+ they won

- it was the bores

yawn....but, it really did look like my boyfriend had some swagger back....and that's always good.  I thought crowd noise was pretty decent as well.


Oh I agree with that. My post wasn't an indictment of Jordy, really just pointing out that Adams has had a positive year so far. I said before the season that Adams needed to make the jump in year 3 and show some actual improvement. He is showing improvement across the board, especially in catch% which he struggled with in year 1 and 2 (mid-50's%). 

As far as Jordy goes, I didn't expect him to make a big impact this year. They say it's not the year after the injury, it's the 2nd year back where you really get it together. I expect 2017 to be the year we see some vintage Jordy. 

Jordy is not just battling rust from an injury, he's also battling father time at this point.  Some guys succumb earlier than others but it will be interesting to see if 87 is any better at the end of the year and if next year vintage means "high example" or just old.

+++ Davante Adams. He may have been going up against a really, really bad CB but he shined.

++ Monty. Where have you been oh threat out of the backfield in the passing game one? Not just the first 4 games this season, but the past 5 years?

+ Kenny Clark & Blake Martinez. Really, good to rookies making plays, even if they were making them against the dregs ... of the Pac-12.

-- Jordy. He does not pass the eye (or statistical) test. The O got productive when Aaron went away from him. Love, love, love Jordy, but he is not anywhere near where he was and just maybe never will be again.

DH13 posted:

Jordy is not just battling rust from an injury, he's also battling father time at this point.  Some guys succumb earlier than others but it will be interesting to see if 87 is any better at the end of the year and if next year vintage means "high example" or just old.

I wonder if teams will stop putting their #1 CB on him at some point this season? 

FLPACKER posted:
DH13 posted:

Jordy is not just battling rust from an injury, he's also battling father time at this point.  Some guys succumb earlier than others but it will be interesting to see if 87 is any better at the end of the year and if next year vintage means "high example" or just old.

I wonder if teams will stop putting their #1 CB on him at some point this season? 

Take a look at the second half of the Dallas game.

With 3rd CB Scandrick not playing and 2nd CB Claiborne out injured, Jordy was mostly guarded (and shut down) by the Cowboys' 4th CB. That was sad.


+scoring in the second half!

+Adams.  <so glad we cut him after TC as he would have done nothing for us> he was playing a practice squad kid but at least took advantage of it.  that ridiculous first TD was something we used to see Jones do regularly.  good to see it again.

+Monty.  we saw this ability from him early last season before the injury and I don't know why so many were bagging on him since then.  he gots skillz.

+AR finally showing some signs of life.  the first nonTD Cobb stepped out on was perfectly placed.


-first half was paaaaaaaaaaaainful to watch us struggle against what was clearly a 1-6 team.

-many missed tackles vs their RB.  guys were slipping off left and right.

-AR still has work to do.  #1 being taking care of the football inside your 10.

-Crosby better not fall into a funk now.  last thing we need is for Mason to start laying bricks.

-WRs still not separating.  everyone needs to thank #20 from CHI for saving our bacon.



a win is a win is a win


if we think that a better team wouldn't have squashed what we were doing yesterday, you are crazy.  i would have lined up 5 wide (bares can't do that, but other, better teams can) and we would have been badly exposed missing our top 3 cb's

anytime you win in the NFL its a good day, but don't be kidding yourself too hard after this win, lots of work to do.

San Doggy posted:

I believe this is the second Big Lebowski picture posted here on X4 this week lol. All Aaron needs to do is make himself a White Russian with non-dairy instant coffee creamer and he is set.

Looks like he might have had that scotch before the presser.



Images (1)
  • thedude

I think we saw signs that they finally have Rodgers trusting the plan. That B/R article last week was pretty damning- that Rodgers was seeing ghosts, that he was looking past the design to try to make some sort of big play. And we all remember early in his time, game after game... holding the call too long. Then he started getting big chunks- and we were all ok with it. But the last 2 years not so much. 

So last night they open up a whooping in the second half when he started getting rid of the ball. Viola! Points! Production! 4-2! 

So perhaps calling for McCarthy's head was ill informed. The next few weeks will probably let us know...

Ty Montgomery is a bad man. Easy to see why Luck fell in love with the guy as a freshman at Stanford. Not much he can't do on offense. 

Adams is turning into James Jones 2.0. Hit him in stride between the numbers and it's 50/50. Throw one ankle high two yards out of bounds with a defender on his back he's probably catching it. 

Jordy is still busting off the rust. On the long fly pattern in the first half (def. PI) Jordy looked winded. When he was fully wound up in 2014 the guy never looked gassed. He's still a ways away from football shape IMO. 

Last edited by ChilliJon

+ That was the Montgomery we saw in 2015 until he got hurt in week 6.  He has a unique set of skills that nobody else on the roster really has.  Cobb sort of has them, but he doesn't have the raw strength that Montgomery does.  Montgomery isn't a cureall for the Pack's offensive ills, but watching last night reminded me a bit of some of the games in the Pack's 6 game winning streak to begin 2015.   

- As great as the win was, and it was truly a great 2nd half after the Rodgers fumble, it has to be tempered with the fact that the Bears are quite possibly battling for worst team in the NFL right now. 



FLPACKER posted:
DH13 posted:

Jordy is not just battling rust from an injury, he's also battling father time at this point.  Some guys succumb earlier than others but it will be interesting to see if 87 is any better at the end of the year and if next year vintage means "high example" or just old.

I wonder if teams will stop putting their #1 CB on him at some point this season? 

I hope they do. We got some big plays coming from Jordy as long as Rodgers doesn't get "skeered"

Grave Digger posted:

I cut the pass D some slack. When your #4/5/6 CBs become your #1/2/3 I think you end up having to surrender some short/medium plays to prevent big plays. Necessity forces you to play bend/don't break on the back end and hope that the front 7 can make plays. 

And your #4/5/6 are up against Barkley...

EKB made a good point of this being another example of the Packers bullying a weak team, but folding against the stronger ones. We will have to see how they perform against Atlanta....

I'm glad to see Clark getting called out; he has played well. I don't know the 'plan' was to ease him into the rotation, but injury quickly forced that hand, and he has responded well.

I've been one to give Barclay every benefit of doubt, but he's turned into a Newhouse. I don't know if Murphy (or Spriggs?) could play at G, but if he can, I'm in favor of Barclay being on the inactive list instead of Murph.

I'm also not sure the game plan would've been to have a target of running 70+ plays, but the game sure unfolded that way. The Pack moved the ball fairly well in the 1st half, but wasn't scoring any points other than 2 FGs. However, the drives in the 2nd half were beautiful; ate a lot of clock, converted 3rd downs, and scored points. Hard to do it much better than that.
It was easy to see when the Bears defense wore down; tackling became sloppy, the big guys up front sucking for air after every play, and their DBs weren't quite as fast. I was glad to see MM take advantage of this as it unfolded.
It would be of huge benefit to be able to do the same vs the Falcons. The more we can keep Jones and Ryan on the sidelines, the better, as far as I'm concerned.

Lastly, we've got a YUGE problem at RB, and I don't see it being solved anytime soon. I'm more worried about ARod getting a weenie arm from throwing 50+ attempts every game, and the pounding Monty's body is taking. ROTTT may surprise us, but I just can't see him signing a street FA, much less making another trade involving draft picks.


A win against a divisional opponent and plenty of individual performances that give cause for optimism.


It was the woeful Chicago Bears. Have a much better idea of where the team actually is when they go to Atlanta and play a competent opponent.

Hungry5 posted:
San Doggy posted:

I believe this is the second Big Lebowski picture posted here on X4 this week lol. All Aaron needs to do is make himself a White Russian with non-dairy instant coffee creamer and he is set.

Looks like he might have had that scotch before the presser.


 I'm guessing you saw Aaron's press conference cause he actually mentions he's going to celebrate and have a scotch after the presser. If he would have said White Russian instead of scotch it would have been a riot.


Last edited by San Doggy

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