We should all be practicing social distancing so, it's time to bring back everyone's most meh game - Manufactured Content. Manufactured content is my brainchild trying to get some interaction going around fun, silly, or interesting topics that are hopefully fun and help us learn more about each other.
This week's topic - Who is the most well known alum from your high school. Famous. Infamous. Up to you!
I graduated from Wauwatosa East High School in Wauwatosa, WI
Not a ton of super famous people to choose from.
Devin Harris, also UW grad, had a very solid NBA career.
Tony Smith who was still there when I started, he played at Marquette, then bounced around NBA.
The CEO of Cisco John Morgridge, but he was there before the tech boom where CEOs were more well know, he was there just ahead of Chambers.
Brad Rowe was an aspiring actor and had some ok roles in some bigger films, did a season on General Hospital but then just stopped... Same year as me, good guy. Exceedingly handsome.
Thomas A. Steitz a Nobel winning biochemist.
If we're talking successful, Morgridge is a billionaire and Steitz won the Nobel. But I said famous so I'll go with Devin Harris is the most famous grad from my alma mater - Wauwatosa East.