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I blame this loss strictly on Rodgers.  He was a hell of a QB at one time, but not so much this last year.  I have confidence that he will fix the problem, but as of right now the team would do better if he was on the bench. 

No, I'm not saying he should be benched.  He has earned the right to try and straighten himself out.  I just think his play has been hurting the team this year.



I think it's mainly a two-pronged problem: 

1. McStupidface calling lame, predictable plays from lame, predictable formations.

2. When receivers do get open, Rodgers is missing them far too often. 

No Huddle =/= fast-paced when you line up the same group of guys every down and blather through the clock unit it's at two seconds every play. The defense has plenty of time to sub and they need to even less because it's the same damned group of guys they're facing every damned play. 

His regression is really alarming.  As Packer fans, we've had it made at QB for nearly 25 years, but if we are honest, from mid-2015 to now the play at that position has been sub-par.  The national media still props him up, but #12 needs to do some serious soul-searching.  Something has happened with him, either on or off the field, and he's simply not the same player.  Time to steal the AR voodoo doll from his brother Jordan. 

Yips under pressure, and his constantly looking for the "explosive play." From his body language when he threw short to Cook after checking down, he was po'd he had to go there and then threw a bad pass Cook had to pick off his shoes. Maybe AR's reading his own press about his greatness and wants to show it on every play. Right now he needs to reestablish himself by checking down and getting the yards he can and be more patient about going long. Better to take five yards and set up second-and-five than toss long for an incomplete -- especially when you're afraid to go to the middle of the field.

Herschel posted:

I think it's mainly a two-pronged problem: 

1. McStupidface calling lame, predictable plays from lame, predictable formations.

I don't buy this at all. I think he leans on sub-packages too often and doesn't run enough, but I don't think he's predictable. I think there were lots of good opportunities available to Rodgers and he just fukked up. It can be that simple. Rodgers left a lot of yards and points on the field the past 2+ weeks, making wrong reads, missing easy throws, making poor decisions, etc. That's not a scheme issue, that's a fundamentals issue from a QB supposedly in his prime. 

The only regression from a QB I've seen like this was Peyton Manning last year, and that was because his body was shot. I've never seen a QB in their prime fall this far, this fast. Even when guys are wide open he is either not finding them or not hitting them. See the 3rd down play with 9 minutes left in the 2nd quarter on 3rd down. Davis wide open for an easy first down across the middle.

The very next series, 3rd down again. Jordy running a post down the middle, wide open for a probable touchdown with a good throw.  I think Cobb was open on that play as well.

The plays they run do not help matters either. New England always has guys running wide open. It doesn't matter who is out there either. Edelman is really good but the others are "just guys" but they always find guys wide open.

It seems the offense is predicated on:

1) long pass interference calls
2) catching the defense with 12 guys
3) hail mary passes
4) Rodgers improvising on busted plays
5) constantly forcing throws to Adams. Remember last year's 20 targets for 79 yard doozy against the Lions at Lambeau?

What's all the more frustrating is that despite the poor performance by the QB the team is not getting blown out aside from the Denver and first Arizona game last year.

Carolina lost by 8 where he got scared of Tillman
Lions Crosby yacked on the field goal at the end
Bears first and goal to win and didn't get the touchdown.
Last game vs Queens lost by 7
Arizona - lost in OT
Lost to the Queens by 3

If the Packers had solid defense like this back in 2011 - 2014 they may have won another Super Bowl.

These were his numbers going into the bye last year:

1500 yards, 15 td, 2 int, 116 rating, 8.2 ypa, 6-0 record

These are the numbers since:

3200 yards, 23 tds, 8 int, 84 rating, 5.9 ypa, 6-8 record

The yards per attempt is far and away the most alarming stat, besides the team record. YPA would be even more atrocious if not for the Detroit and Arizona hail mary plays.

When was the last time we saw a play like this, the TD to Nelson vs New England?

The GBP Rules posted:

The only regression from a QB I've seen like this was Peyton Manning last year, and that was because his body was shot. I've never seen a QB in their prime fall this far, this fast. Even when guys are wide open he is either not finding them or not hitting them. See the 3rd down play with 9 minutes left in the 2nd quarter on 3rd down. Davis wide open for an easy first down across the middle.

The very next series, 3rd down again. Jordy running a post down the middle, wide open for a probable touchdown with a good throw.  I think Cobb was open on that play as well.

The plays they run do not help matters either. New England always has guys running wide open. It doesn't matter who is out there either. Edelman is really good but the others are "just guys" but they always find guys wide open.

It seems the offense is predicated on:

1) long pass interference calls
2) catching the defense with 12 guys
3) hail mary passes
4) Rodgers improvising on busted plays
5) constantly forcing throws to Adams. Remember last year's 20 targets for 79 yard doozy against the Lions at Lambeau?

What's all the more frustrating is that despite the poor performance by the QB the team is not getting blown out aside from the Denver and first Arizona game last year.

Carolina lost by 8 where he got scared of Tillman
Lions Crosby yacked on the field goal at the end
Bears first and goal to win and didn't get the touchdown.
Last game vs Queens lost by 7
Arizona - lost in OT
Lost to the Queens by 3

If the Packers had solid defense like this back in 2011 - 2014 they may have won another Super Bowl.

These were his numbers going into the bye last year:

1500 yards, 15 td, 2 int, 116 rating, 8.2 ypa, 6-0 record

These are the numbers since:

3200 yards, 23 tds, 8 int, 84 rating, 5.9 ypa, 6-8 record

The yards per attempt is far and away the most alarming stat, besides the team record. YPA would be even more atrocious if not for the Detroit and Arizona hail mary plays.

When was the last time we saw a play like this, the TD to Nelson vs New England?

Too long! And many have been blaming everybody BUT Aaron

Edit: Posted after I started this thread

Last edited by PackerPatrick

It seems like he's pressing more. He doesn't seem as cool and collected, more like he's trying so badly to make a play that he's forgetting his fundamentals. Perhaps he was so embarrassed by the Denver loss last year that he's freaked out about that happening again? That's wild speculation, but that game was seemingly the turning point of his performance over the 10 months. 

Posit this;

There is possibly some type of internal turmoil going on inside the Packers organization.

As in Eli Manning's case I dont believe Aaron's body is beat up. However it is possible that for a reason based on the internal disagreements within the organization that Aaron is not willing to put his whole heart, mind and body into playing football. Now I am not saying Aaron is immature, however I am saying for some reason he is not completely focused upon playing football to the absolute best of his ability. 

In organizational dynamics power plays occur in various ways. Sometimes people think their value to an organization outweighs other peoples value. When these people who see their value as higher than others decide on a course of action many times that action can be detrimental to themselves as well as the people whom they see as being of lesser value.

Considering Sitton's release, who was reported to be one of Aaron's best buddies it could be plausible it had a disconcerting effect on the entire team. That coupled with MM's propensity to call the same plays in very similar situations has made the offense very predicaible thereby causing some team members to not focus their entire heart, mind and body on performing to the absolute best of their abilities. 

Simply put forward as a supposition to chew on.

Today AR holds that ball on the slant to Jordy waiting for Jordy to get more down the field and come wide open -- which isn't happening. He's just not the AR we've grown used to seeing and been spoiled by. He needs a mental adjustment. One of the sad things is that this Oline, while not perfect, has done a pretty darn good job for him, and he's making them look bad with five sacks against the Vikes.  

This has probably been said, and I don't think it totally accounts for last year.  But I think the lack of pre-season play is a major reason for these slow starts (over the last 5+ years), and AR playing like schit.  

I also think we need perspective, as much as we would all like, there was no way, that AR was going to rip off 5-6 years of the same productivity that he had in 2013-14.  During those years, his play was on a different planet, now he has come down to earth, and he is above average, but not out of this world.  


ScareyFast63 posted:

Posit this;


Considering Sitton's release, who was reported to be one of Aaron's best buddies it could be plausible it had a disconcerting effect on the entire team. That coupled with MM's propensity to call the same plays in very similar situations has made the offense very predicaible thereby causing some team members to not focus their entire heart, mind and body on performing to the absolute best of their abilities. 

Simply put forward as a supposition to chew on.

This was going on long before the Sitton release

Aaron is a smart guy, I think he knows the reality of what he means to the organization and what his place is. He's going to push for what he wants and he's extremely competitive, but I don't think he would tank on purpose if he doesn't get what he wants. I think he's been knocked down a peg perhaps, going from essentially co=play caller with Clements back to just running the offense, so maybe he's struggling mentally with that situation. Maybe he's struggling mentally with the fact that he's struggling, he has no more chip on his shoulder as motivation...he's universally praised as a top 3 QB, he has 2 MVPs, a SB win, a SB MVP, etc. No one is doubting him like they did when he was in JUCO or coming out in the draft. 

Last edited by Grave Digger
ScareyFast63 posted:

Posit this;

There is possibly some type of internal turmoil going on inside the Packers organization.


Considering Sitton's release, who was reported to be one of Aaron's best buddies it could be plausible it had a disconcerting effect on the entire team. That coupled with MM's propensity to call the same plays in very similar situations has made the offense very predicaible thereby causing some team members to not focus their entire heart, mind and body on performing to the absolute best of their abilities. 

Simply put forward as a supposition to chew on.

So, your saying, there is a power struggle, because of Sitton's release?  I don't buy that, these dudes are pro's.   

PackerRuss posted:
ScareyFast63 posted:

Posit this;

There is possibly some type of internal turmoil going on inside the Packers organization.


Considering Sitton's release, who was reported to be one of Aaron's best buddies it could be plausible it had a disconcerting effect on the entire team. That coupled with MM's propensity to call the same plays in very similar situations has made the offense very predicaible thereby causing some team members to not focus their entire heart, mind and body on performing to the absolute best of their abilities. 

Simply put forward as a supposition to chew on.

So, your saying, there is a power struggle, because of Sitton's release?  I don't buy that, these dudes are pro's.   

No, I am saying there is some internal turmoil which was accelerated by Sitton's release.

FLPACKER posted:
ScareyFast63 posted:

Posit this;


Considering Sitton's release, who was reported to be one of Aaron's best buddies it could be plausible it had a disconcerting effect on the entire team. That coupled with MM's propensity to call the same plays in very similar situations has made the offense very predicaible thereby causing some team members to not focus their entire heart, mind and body on performing to the absolute best of their abilities. 

Simply put forward as a supposition to chew on.

This was going on long before the Sitton release

That is exactly what I was saying. Thanks for clarrifying.

Fandame posted:

Today AR holds that ball on the slant to Jordy waiting for Jordy to get more down the field and come wide open -- which isn't happening. He's just not the AR we've grown used to seeing and been spoiled by. He needs a mental adjustment. One of the sad things is that this Oline, while not perfect, has done a pretty darn good job for him, and he's making them look bad with five sacks against the Vikes.  

I don't have the link.  But read that T J Lang complained that Aarons scrambling around makes the line look bad.

Grave Digger posted:

Aaron is a smart guy, I think he knows the reality of what he means to the organization and what his place is. 

If he continues to play like this, he means draft picks to the org.    His inaccuracy is stunning.   He is playing, at best, league avg QB right now.   At his price tag, I'd rather go with a different league avg QB. 

I'm in no way suggesting pulling any triggers at this moment, but if it continues we need to explore it. 

ChilliJon posted:

"It felt like a combination of a lot of things.  I know we tend to get blamed up front a lot for those sacks. We’ve got to do a better job blocking. We’ve got to do a better job of staying on time with our throws. Everybody plays a part in that.”

TJ Lang to USA Today reporter after Minny game. 

Things could get ugly for this team in a hurry. 

We shall see Sunday 25th September 12:00 CST!!!!!! I, for one, am looking forward to seeing a much improved Packer team put the Kittys in the Hurt Locker!!

AR's greatness in years past has clearly given him much leeway from MM and rightfully so.  That greatness is gone and MM needs to reel his ass in.  

This repeated cluster**** at the line of scrimmage needs to stop.  The theory behind the no huddle is not give the defense a rest and catch them trying to substitute.  I get it.  However, the end result is that the only person that knows what's going on seems to be AR.  

Huddle the **** up.  Get everybody on the same page.  Execute the play.  Score touchdowns.  

Oh... AR could probably lessen his arrogance a bit as well.  You can get away with some of that if you're great.  AR hasn't been able to hit the broad side of a barn lately so he may want to chill out on things like getting in Tretter's ass for not snapping a football.  

FLPACKER posted:

Answer to new SAT question

Olivia Munn  is to Packers as

Yoko Ono was to Beatles  



I've been saying the same thing for a year now, wish it was that simple. But it's not.

Truth is, Aaron's playing like he's afraid to get hit. His running around disrupts the timing of the pass plays and receivers have to break off their routes and work their way back to Rodgers.


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