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Damn that’s a good question. I’m still in mourning over the Bucks getting throttled in the playoffs and wondering what happens next for them and Giannis.  For some reason I should have been melting down over it but maybe not pounding booze had something to do with my pleasant demeanor. 

Early game it’s probably beer.  If I bust out the scotch or wine that’s when shit is bound to deteriorate in a hurry.   Maybe I should call my shot now?  Not a fan of getting sauced up for noon games.  3pm or night games are more in my wheelhouse. 

Guarantee if catts comes around and starts running her mouth (as usual) I’m bound to lose my shit alcohol or not.  

Last edited by Tschmack

There’s just something unnatural about getting tanked up late morning, early afternoon.  I realize I’m the x4 resident lush, but even I have my limits and standards. 

Now, it gets into the second half or closer to 3pm hey that’s my jam.  Perhaps I’ll bust out the grain alcohol.   If every other word is MF well you know what’s up. 

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