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BrainDed posted:

Got to mention Monty for the heads up play on the kickoff.   40 yards of field position.  

Dont know if Zook deserves credit too, but one of the smartest plays we've seen out of a Packer.

Are you that wasn't an accident?

Pass defense needs some serious improvement. Randall and Rollins are both playing poorly after solid rookie seasons. Can't afford them to have a sophomore slump or this pass D will be an issue all season long

Tavis Smiley posted:



-'s - The Vikings ruin my Sunday. I have major issues when it comes to that team admitably, but man I swear I think I cheer for them to lose as much as I cheer the Packers to win. Seeing their success is like a driver to my balls.

They cannot continue to win the TO differential this significantly all season.....I hope. 

YooperPackfan posted:
BrainDed posted:

Got to mention Monty for the heads up play on the kickoff.   40 yards of field position.  

Dont know if Zook deserves credit too, but one of the smartest plays we've seen out of a Packer.

Are you that wasn't an accident?

I think he was trying to do just what he accomplished, however while he was laying out from OB the ball could have bounced towards the middle of the field out of his reach.  A bit of luck but a heads up play that turned out big for the Pack

YooperPackfan posted:
BrainDed posted:

Got to mention Monty for the heads up play on the kickoff.   40 yards of field position.  

Dont know if Zook deserves credit too, but one of the smartest plays we've seen out of a Packer.

Are you that wasn't an accident?

Yes, you can see hi go out of bounds intentionally then reach for the ball while trying to ensure he kept his feet out.  He knew exactly what he was doing. 

How long before they change that rule? Just like the new kickoff rule

Many coaches have chosen to boot balls high and short of the end zone to allow coverage teams to rush down the field and make plays on kick returners who are forced to take the ball out. Through Week 2, 38.6% of the 311 kickoffs were returned. That figure is up from the 31.6% of the 313 kickoffs that were returned last season through the same time period.

Jelly posted:

+ Pack win

- Same old MM team...
can't close it w/o making it interesting... drive the dagger, step on their throat. MM never had it, never will

Apparently you forget 2014.  

Did you notice 2/3 of the D were NOT starters?

Nice of you to come by Jelly, you only seem to be able when you can find something to whine about.

+ wins are good

+ Aaron Rodgers is still the best QB in the league

- I continue to fall out of  of love with McCarthy. It's not so much the 4th quarter play calling or Rodgers saving his bacon over and over, it's   his inability to replace Dom Capers....yes, yes, yes there are injuries to the defense and there were some horrific individual efforts today, but he plays that soft zone for 4/5s of the game giving a veteran QB a smorgasbord of underneath and middle targets...but then when one would expect a more preventative zone at the end of the first half he puts an undrafted rookie out on an island--also maybe one of his spotters could have said, Hey Dom: Randall is struggling, let's get him some deep help, we're killing the run, we can spare a deep safety....again if they catch some of those interceptions Capers looks pretty good, but you just can't have a defense that gives up 400 yards a's not sustainable 

- and as long as I'm complaining, there were no major gaffes, but this game could be a case study on what is wrong with  NFL officiating. It seemed as if they were randomly calling things. There was so much holding and the three selected fouls were very light...especially Detroit's Decker hold---it threw Decker's game off helped us.

-and..Charles Davis pleasant, positive, but annoying

-I was frustrated but not enough to boo...when was the last time you could hear audible booing with the Packers in the lead--in a 'non-gold package' game?

Not a lot to be critical of on offense, with the exception of the holding penalties on Tretter and Bulaga. I think both of them wound up stalling drives, IIRC.
For as good of game that ARod had, he's still exhibiting some of the same symptoms of poor play. On the 3rd down where he threw the fade pass to Jordy, he missed a wide-open Cobb, who had beaten his man off the line and was undefended at that point. That was a sure 7 points missed.
Lacy had a good game, but on the series where he ran 4 consecutive times, he was out of gas after the 3rd play, and called for a blow after the 4th. I'm not sure he's in 'prime' condition, but he is as strong as ever.

Defense left a lot to be desired. Once again, Capers had one man to plan for, and one man only, yet just like Diggs, Jones pissed all over Randall. Again. And let an old, slow, immobile QB beat on his defense like a drum. Again. I'll be glad when somebody gets tired of his chit and sends him packing.
Speaking of Randall, his play is actually worse than a certain Mr. Bush from years past. Consider for a moment just how bad that is. Seriously, the kid needs to find the bench until he learns to play again. He has single-handedly lost one game for us already, and tried hard to give today's game away. He just doesn't belong on the field right now.
And speaking of our DBs as a group, it looks like everyone one of them are reacting to moves by a receiver one step late. It's like the receiver will plant and cut, and has already taken another step before our guys even move. Hyde, Gunter, Rollins, Randall; they are all doing it. That's one reason we are getting killed in the middle of the field. 
For as bad as the backfield have been, the front 7 guys are polar opposites. It's actually eyeballs-popping-out watching our LBs this year. Perry is playing like a madman, Guion was playing very well before he got hurt, and our rookies are mixing it up in there. Lowry had a great game in particular, and Daniels continues to be solid. Clark had another decent game. A stellar effort from guys short on depth and experience!

STs are still a bit inconsistent; sometimes it's one step forward then 2 back, or 2 steps forward then one back. KO and punt coverage have been very good overall, but return attempts wiped out by penalties have been killing us. Shcum is/was a bad decision, and the sooner he goes, the better, as far as I'm concerned. 40 yard gross/30 yard net averages aren't going to cut it.

The defense is truly a mess. They can't cover anyone right now. They zig when the receiver zags, they jump the wrong routes... the Packer front has been B+ or better, and the secondary has been D-. 

Week one it was the heat. Week 2 it was injuries. Week 3 more injuries. What was supposed to be a significant strength is suddenly getting exposed weekly by average QBs (Bortles, Bradford, and Stafford). All this talk of 1st quarter, 4th quarter- you're an idiot if you think this isn't a cause for concern. They're regressing and losing guys rapidly. 

Offense took the pedal off and they got lucky like they did week one. And while we can all say they're 2-1 and still are a long ways away from playing good football, this is a frustrating team to watch. 

Lots of +++++ already mentioned.


Biggest -   Nick Perry throat slash. What the hell was he thinking?  MM should have benched him for a few plays for such a boneheaded move.  Hope he gets fined by the Pack and the NFL, maybe he will learn.

No accidents going up or coming back!!!!

QuietOne taking one/two for team. Went to the bathroom to take off long-sleeved turtleneck that was under my jersey. (Forecast was way off!) Heard a roar...touchdown!! I was told Rodgers to Rodgers. Towards end of game, they absolutely needed to get that 3rd down. Okay, taking one for the team. Head for the bathroom. Just get inside....FIRST DOWN!! And NO, I will not go to Lambeau just to spend the entire game in the bathroom! First time I was in one of the littler ones. Cripes, a freakin' drill sergeant stationed in there. "Okay, ladies, keep goin' left. C'mon, LAADIEEES, LEFT!! Line up!" 

Negative, someone a few rows up who just HAD to have some broadcast turned way up during the national anthem! Really?! I finally turned around and scowled in the general direction.

Cool fireworks to go along with the anthem. Plus a flyover! 

Lots of alumni showed up this year! Forrest Gregg not in good shape - sunglasses and in a wheel chair. Holmgren received a big cheer. Many others, including Big Will Henderson, Dorsey Levens, Ahman Green, Antonio Freeman, Bag O' Donuts, Lynn Dickey, Scott Hunter, numerous others.

And the rain held off until we were headed down the road!

Oddly enough the front 7 has carried the defense thus far. The run d has been very impressive and the lbs are making solid reads and sure tackles. It's disappointing that the secondary won't be at full strength. Would be nice to see a yr with a solid defense across the board, subs included.

ammo posted:

Lots of +++++ already mentioned.


Biggest -   Nick Perry throat slash. What the hell was he thinking?  MM should have benched him for a few plays for such a boneheaded move.  Hope he gets fined by the Pack and the NFL, maybe he will learn.

You can't get disciplined twice


Aaron: You got it backwards Matt. See, if you play hard the first half you can take the second half off, and still win.

Matthew: Yeah? Well you can't play us every week.



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Last edited by GreenBayLA


Division win.

Rodgers back on track.

Adams caught a football.

Phat Eddie rumblin', bumblin', stumblin'.

Martinez' nose.

I kicked the **** out of my boss in fantasy football.


Pass defense, especially down the middle.

Vikings somehow won in Carolina.



Lots of youth on the D and they play like it. Veteran players like Bradford, Stafford, Marvin Jones have been exploiting the errors of young players (biting on fakes, mental errors, etc) so far this year. It's not surprising, you're asking a 2nd year player in Randall, who is 1 year removed from switching to CB from Safety in college, to be your #1 guy. He's a 1st round pick so he should be a heavy contributor, but it shouldn't be surprising that he's making mistakes. He doesn't need to be benched, he will learn from it and get better. Same for Randall and Gunter and Hawkins and Brice and Martinez and Ryan and Clark and Lowery and Price and Fackrell and any of the other guys who played significant PT today. It would be nice if Randall could be eased in to significant PT, but we don't have that luxury. It will make him better and the D better in the long run though.


Loved INT/strip from Randall,  w 43 yd return, his best play of day.

Elliott on special teams

- -

Perry slash penalty- bush league

Arnold Palmer, inventor of the Arnold Palmer died. RIP


Last edited by GreenBayLA

Like others, very happy with the first half performance.  Lot of great performances by players not typically expected to be difference makers.  Loved seeing MM and Capers getting aggressive in the first half.  

But I am getting tired of seeing the game plan on both sides of the ball change after a big lead.  After the 2014 Seattle debacle, you'd think this coaching staff would stop with the prevent offense and defense.  But they keep doing it.  I would really like to get into MM and Capers' heads to understand their thought process here.  Because I just can't figure it out.  

Injuries have been brutal but you know what helps with injuries to your starters?  Blowing out bad teams and letting your starters rest the 4th quarter.  

WR Trevor Davis had a big punt return called back due to penalty. Davis said blocks were set up to the left. He went right and found room.

Davis also with a big PI call. It will be interesting to see that kid develop as the season goes.

I guess I don't understand what's so wrong with the throat slash other than he should have known it was against the rules? It's just like any other celebration except the league arbitratily has a problem with it. 

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