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"I have not played as well as the expectations are, obviously," Rodgers said. "The ones I put on myself are, I like to think, as high or higher than people outside put on me. It’s interesting to look at the stats for what they are. To think I am not playing my best football right now, it’s funny to see how far things have come over the last four years. But I set the bar high. I expect to play at a high level. I have been making mistakes I have not been used to making. Throwing the ball to the other team. I mean I have done that four times already. Fortunate Lance Briggs dropped one against Chicago as well. It’s just uncharacteristic of the way I have played. Have made some checks that have been unproductive. Missed some throws I have been accustomed to hitting. Just haven’t played the way to the standard I have set. My solemn promise is I’m going to work every day to get better. I’m going to clean up the things I am not doing as well as I should. But the proof is in the pudding, and right now I’m not getting it done. I have to look at myself first. But I can tell you nothing has slipped in the way of preparation or the way I practice, the energy or the leadership I take to it, which is probably the most frustrating thing. You can’t really point to one thing. It’s just I haven’t performed as well on Sundays as I’m used to performing."

At least someone agrees with me. Whenever people ask me what is wrong with my team, the first thing that I say is Rodgers is just off, there is something wrong with him.
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AR's had his moments of failure this year, but he's not the one dropping passes or missing tackles.

I would say piss poor executing by WR, OL and D are the main reasons.

Since he basically single-handedly won a ton of games last year, I think he gets a pass.
1A and 1B ... they have different strengths and IMO 2 different kinds of WR.

great compliment to each other IMO.

BTW, Jordy or Greg have a tough time when they get doubled ... GJ over the top, Jordy inside help. JMO.
Rodgers is a perfectionist and the team leader. Of course he's blaming himself. But he's not the real problem, the problem is the receivers are not getting open.

And it's not their fault either.

T.J. Lang already said what the problem is.
I think the sum of Jordy and Jennings is greater than either of the individual parts. Together they are a very good tandem since defenses cannot afford to forget either. When one isn't at full strength, the other is not good enough to get open by himself on a consistent basis.

None of our receivers is excellent at getting huge separation and when combined with Rodgers' unwillingness to even risk an interception, Rodgers most often won't even give it a try if our WRs have only one step on the DB. Rodgers has to trust his guys a little more to make a play, and our WRs can't quit the route if they aren't three steps up on a DB. Right now, it seems they stop running if they only have a step or so after 20 yards because they know Rodgers won't even try it. The WRs also have to prove they are willing to go up and physically out-muscled a DB for a ball. Rodgers has to prove he's more willing to make a play despite some risk. Right now there's a disconnect there that needs to be fixed.
Originally posted by El-Ka-Bong:
hmmm, not sure how valid that is, considering there no mention of belly fire at all

He better be eatin' Jalapenos all week long to get that belly fire. He's gonna need some fire down below for the '85 Bears Texans game! ReJJie Watt is going to have a field day if Rodgers brings an ice cold belly to the game.
Originally posted by Pistol GB:
...he's not the real problem, the problem is the receivers are not getting open.
I keep reading this (not trying to single you out)but how can you be sure? Mpst plays you can't even see the wr's. Do you have the all 22 views from

I'm watching the replay right now, so far Rodgers threw way over Jordy's head on one play, threw to him another time in double coverage while there was a wide open receiver underneath on a first down play. Then there's the overthrow on the bomb to Jordy. Rodgers is leaving his share of plays out there, too.
He's had some misses. He's had them before. But overall, he finds the open guy. Keep watching into the second half: you telling me he's getting sacked because he likes it? Because he's suddenly stupid? Wants to lose? What?

I'm saying what the reporters are saying, what the people in the stands are saying, what the players on the freaking field themselves are now saying: opposing defenses play every down as if it is a pass because they know that MM absolutely positively will not consistently run the football. And statistically, it is the smartest thing for those defenses to do.

Teams don't play the run at all, it's pretty hard for anyone to get open. No one is open, and your QB gets sacked. Those are coverage sacks. Rodgers doesn't suddenly suck.

TJ Lang said it, because it is true. You think he wanted to come out and jack the playcalling that way?
Originally posted by El-Ka-Bong:
Originally posted by Ryan Grant:
Maybe I was mistaken. Maybe not

truer words have never been spoken

or have they

I'm saying that I do think Nelson is the better of the two but not ruling out that I may be wrong. Cobb is ascending, Jones has been pretty solid. We could definitely use a tightend that could catch the ball and not think he's gods gift to football and consistently fail to meet expectations.
Totally agree Pistol. McCarthy needs to quit abandoning the run and stop talking about how committed to it he is. We need to create at least the threat of a running game and Mike seems a little thick to catch on in this regard.
I think Jordy is Alvin Harper*. He needs the other guy in order to really do his thing.

*I think he is a more well rounded player (better) than AH, but you get my point.
Originally posted by El-Ka-Bong:
truer words have never been spoken

or have they


2011 was an anomaly?

year	td	int	comp %	rtg	
2009	30	7	64.7	103.2	
2010	28	11	65.7	101.2	
2011	45	6	68.3	122.5	
2012	32	13	68.8	97	projected to 16 games
Originally posted by Packdog:
What a bunch of crap. A good leader would have blamed Mason Crosby.

I know you are joking but I believe the whole "not a good leader" manufactured outrage piggybacking Jay Cutler had an effect. AR seems to be the only one who noticed that ill-fated back shoulder pick get tipped. And while he was guilty of holding the ball too long Sunday there were other problems to be sure.

Trying to block #98 with the TE AGAIN on first down after it had already failed miserably. Absolutely killed a drive, The time AR escaped the pocket and had something like 9 seconds to throw and his receivers stopped working.

I'd rather seem him complaining like he did about too many packages after the Monday night loss to the Bears in 2010. And he was right. Finley got hurt and the offense got better.

He can be as standup as he wants but I do not believe he trusts his WR's or believes in the offense right now.
Question: Where's McAdoo? In years past, Rodgers always was being "coached" on the sidelines when not on the field. I see brief contact with Clements this year, but McAdoo is invisible. As good as Rodgers is, he still needs coaching and reminders about things like getting the ball out quickly and throwing the ball away instead of taking sacks.
Originally posted by Pistol GB:

opposing defenses play every down as if it is a pass because they know that MM absolutely positively will not consistently run the football.
I misunderstood. I thought you were saying the receivers weren't getting open as in the receivers just aren't that good and aren't beating the coverage. I don't believe that at all. The playcalling is a whole different story.
Originally posted by Stevie:
Question: Where's McAdoo?

Despite new role, Packers' Clements will keep close to Rodgers

By Bob McGinn on July 29th, 2012

The hands-on relationship that Tom Clements had with Aaron Rodgers on the sidelines during games will not change even though Clements has a new title with the Green Bay Packers.

As offensive coordinator, Clements made it clear that he would work from the field just as he did for the last six seasons as Rodgers' trusty quarterbacks coach.

Thus, Clements said the amount of time that he would have to sit next to Rodgers going over pictures of plays and talking strategy probably would not decrease.

"I might have to go talk to other groups," said Clements. "But a lot of that communication is done from coach to coach over the head set."

Joe Philbin, the offensive coordinator from 2007-'11, always worked from the press box

"I'll be on the field," said Clements, adding that Ben McAdoo, who succeeded him as quarterbacks coach, probably would work from upstairs.
Not sure Ben can fill Joe's shoe's in the box. I'm sure Philbin Would make suggestions from up there that MM can't get from McAdoo.
Originally posted by Hungry5:
Originally posted by El-Ka-Bong:
truer words have never been spoken

or have they


2011 was an anomaly?

year	td	int	comp %	rtg	
2009	30	7	64.7	103.2	
2010	28	11	65.7	101.2	
2011	45	6	68.3	122.5	
2012	32	13	68.8	97	projected to 16 games

Not quite an anomaly, but don't know if we'll see the likes of it by anyone again, even Rodgers. Unless it's Ponder; he's off to a good start. Big Grin

Seriously, I'd be happy with somewhere between 2010 and 2011 stats. Those would be outstanding anyway. And probably a true indication of a veteran like Rodgers.
Originally posted by Fandame:
None of our receivers is excellent at getting huge separation and when combined with Rodgers' unwillingness to even risk an interception, Rodgers most often won't even give it a try if our WRs have only one step on the DB. Rodgers has to trust his guys a little more to make a play, and our WRs can't quit the route if they aren't three steps up on a DB. Right now, it seems they stop running if they only have a step or so after 20 yards because they know Rodgers won't even try it. The WRs also have to prove they are willing to go up and physically out-muscled a DB for a ball. Rodgers has to prove he's more willing to make a play despite some risk. Right now there's a disconnect there that needs to be fixed.

But what doesn't make sense is this wasn't happening last year. How many times did we see AR put balls in incredibly tight windows when it looked like the receiver wasn't even open. So receivers stopped fighting for balls? Stopped trusting AR would get it to them in a tight spot and AR has like-wise stopped trusting the receiver would come down with it?

I think some of that has to be due to db's or anyone on the D chipping or disrupting our receivers at the head of their routes. KC started it last year (along with the 2-high S) and EVERYONE has been doing it since. It's all about timing and AR and his WRs are lacking that right now.
And yet based on what he has done so far, he is on a pace to throw 605 passes and complete 416 of them for 69% completion rate and 4128 yards, 32 TDs, and 13 interceptions. I can name a few QBs who would love those stats - including one former Packer QB as far as INTs go.

As far as passer rating is concerned, he has two games ove 100 so far. Before last year, I believe Rodgers had five games with a PR over 100. So last year was really off the charts in that respect. It would be very difficult to do that again.
And yet based on what he has done so far, he is on a pace to throw 605 passes and complete 416 of them for 69% completion rate

You have to look at his ypc to get a better measure. He has had to throw more short passes and less long balls this year (and completing even fewer of those)because of X Y and Z disrupting the passing game.
Originally posted by DH13:
KC started it last year (along with the 2-high S) and EVERYONE has been doing it since.

Not many answers for Packers' sputtering offense
Green Bay Press Gazette

by Mike Vandermause on Tuesday, October 9th, 2012

When asked if opposing defenses are playing the Packers any differently, Tom Clements replied: "I don’t know that they are playing us differently. I think teams are playing their defense. Like Chicago, they played a lot of cover-2. (Sunday, the Colts) played cover-2 very rarely, if at all. They mixed it up. They had a plan. In the first half we out-executed them and the second half we didn’t execute as well as we needed to."continue
Originally posted by titmfatied:

When asked if opposing defenses are playing the Packers any differently, Tom Clements replied: "I don’t know that they are playing us differently. I think teams are playing their defense. Like Chicago, they played a lot of cover-2. (Sunday, the Colts) played cover-2 very rarely, if at all.

Doing what they can to disrupt routes/timing, Titm. Bears are good enough playing their cover 2 but they're an exception. Show me a game since KC where our receivers are consistently getting off the line and past five yards, clean.

You said after the game that the Colts were very aggressive. In what ways were they aggressive?
They played a lot more bump-and-run, and they stuck to their plan regardless of personnel.
Originally posted by gbpfan92:
Nelson seems to have his best games when Jennings is in and I'm not sure it's coincidental.

Hmmmm...he sure played great during last years Lion's game without Jennings. However, during the Giant's game when Jennings did play, neither of them had a very good game. During the Colts' game, did I not hear several time AR had Jordy open? If AR connected with Jordy down the sideline that could have been a TD and Jordy would have had a nearly 100 yd game. I really do not buy into this Nelson needs Jennings to succeed talk or visa versa. I think AR is just not in sync with Jordy and perhaps the OL is the root cause for AR to be a bit off - in general.
I'm not sure I could should show you one before the KC game where that happened.

I don't know either way, but I don't think there's a simple defensive scheme out there that's the solution to our offense. They've played and beat plenty of press coverage over the years. Heck, they were doing fine in the first half.

I think you have to go past the KC game to whenever that stretch was that they were bad on thirds and dropping balls left and right. My memory is garbage but I remember it being an issue during a stretch of games in the past.

It's not like we got blown out against the Colts. There was any of maybe nine different different points of failure that would have won the game. FGs, drops, clay sacking Luck on the last drive, dropped ints, Rodgers, protection, lack of balance, clock management, and the crap (imo) calls on Perry and Shields.

And maybe it's just me, but I don't remember much motion at all against the Colts (again my memory is garbage Smiler). That's one of the best ways to beat the press.
I never implied it was easy to disrupt their timing/routes on a regular basis but the current passing game does not resemble what it was. Rodgers is holding the ball a lot longer than in the past and often nobody is open. Add on the fact that he's missed several wide open guys downfield and the that they want to run timing routes at a particular pace and rhythm and it looks like what it is. Seeing too much pressure in his face can yield the same results: disruption of the timing and rhythm.

Yeah, I think those dropped/negated INT's have been huge.
often nobody is open

That to me is the biggest unknown. Watching on the TV copy you rarely get to see all the routes. I thought when the NFL opened up the all 22 film on game rewind this year that most of the bloggers and reporters would take advantage of it and dig in deep on the analysis, but I can't seem to find any of it anywhere and I've spent a lot of time looking. It's driving me nuts cause I'd do it myself but my money is tight for a few more weeks and I can't buy the package quite yet.

There's been a big vacuum on analysis since Pelissero left the Press Gazette. The Christl/Barycyk(spelling?) gives a litte bit, but nothing as insightful as he used to do. I'd trade Wilde's ESPN coverage for Pelissero's in a heartbeat.

Always good talking football with you DH, thanks for your thoughts.

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