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Going off BrainDed's link, the table 18-29 years of age is .5% & it's quite obvious this table hasn't been updated to the over 200,000 (& counting) deaths now.

Deaths by Age Group:

Data from 151,122 deaths. Age group was available for 151,111 (99%) deaths.
Age GroupPercentageCount
0 - 4 Years<0.135
5 - 17 Years<0.158
18 - 29 Years0.5806
30 - 39 Years1.32,009
40 - 49 Years3.24,850
50 - 64 Years15.623,595
65 - 74 Years21.131,899
75 - 84 Years26.539,971
85+ Years31.747,888
Last edited by Boris
@BrainDed posted:

Of people aged 18-29 there have been 806 covid deaths in the US.    If I'm in that age group, and those pics are the student section, I'm absolutely going to the game.

This is the thing that just baffles me.  

You may not die but the people you come in contact with may very well die and/or suffer chronic health issues.  

I'm sure those kids make the best decisions when it comes to being responsible for anyone but themselves.   And even if you don't give two shits about anyone else you've just exacerbated the fucking issue of why we'll never get out of this cycle of idiocy that grinds economies to a halt while making the U.S. a god damn pariah state.  

Some of us want to get the fuck out of here for awhile.

If I own a business, every dumb fucking puber who acts like a jag gets a beat down for taking money out of my pockets and food out of other people's mouths.  

And if I haven't made this clear, I could give two fucks if those petri dishes die.  One step closer to sanity.

Last edited by Henry

I understand your point of view, I just think there is a more practicable solution.

Those who are not at risk should be able to do as they choose, within reason.  Wear the mask, don't be an asshole.   Respect the situation, respect the local businesses rules and respect the impact of the virus on the vulnerable. 

Those who are at risk, stay home if you WANT.   The government should be focused on helping these people, if they need it.    Sending me a check for 3K, or whatever it was that a married guy in my pay scale with a kid got, was ludicrous.     Sending it to my retired parents was even more insane.  Save that for people who actually need it and allow them to stay home.   Protect their employment status with mandates to work from home, increased FMLA rights, and maybe even job protection like active duty deployment.  

I don't believe in governing via carpet bombing.   One size fits all isn't working as expected.   Since this is a football forum, the analogy is forcing your scheme on players instead of adjusting to your personnel.   Telling 22 year olds to stay home is as practicable as telling them abstinence is the only solution.    They are human beings, they are young, they are going to socialize... and fuck. far as this extending the time the virus impacts us.   I disagree, I don't think anything changes that except a vaccine.  

Last edited by BrainDed

The driving on the freeway analogy needs some additional information to make it more relevant for the COVID conversation. 

If you drive on the freeway without a seat belt and get caught in Michigan, it costs you $65 and no loss of points on your license. The rationale for this is that it doesn't endanger anyone else on the highway (hence no loss of points) but the fine is to encourage you to wear it because it makes it more likely you'll survive an accident and, more importantly from a public policy perspective, makes it less likely the government will have to spend a lot of money on helping you recover if you do need expensive medical care. Most people do not get pulled over for not wearing a seat belt. If this was all that mask wearing for COVID was (reducing the risk to you without affecting others), then by all means you can choose not to wear a mask (provided your employer or insurance company was fine with that). 

If instead, you drive on the freeway after sitting at the bar for 3 hours and getting drunk, you are endangering everyone else you are near on the freeway. If you get caught you pay these penalties.

OWI, First Offense - up to 93 days in jail, fines of $100 to $500, 360 hours (45 days) community service, vehicle immobilization at the court's discretion, possible ignition interlock device during probation.

Not everyone that drives drunk kills or injures someone, but they are a lot more likely to. When you are caught drunk driving, the penalities aren't as much punishing you for the harm you could cause yourself as much as for the harm you could cause an innocent bystander (whether it's a passenger in your car or someone else on the road). This is more of a comparison for not wearing a mask these days. 

For all the talk about freedom, if there was truly completely unregulated freedom, your health or life insurance company would probably mandate that you wear a mask and would raise your rates every time you got caught without a mask in public.  That would be a true capitalistic response to this - "You want to not wear a mask, fine, but the odds of you getting sick increase whenever you do this and we need to charge you more because you increase our risk of not making a profit on the healthy and life insurance policies you purchased from us."


The point of the expressway analogy isn't the seat belt, it's that driving on the expressway increases your risk of death compared to surface streets. 

You have a choice to increase your risk of death by x percent and get there in 30 mins or reduce your risk of death and get there in 50 mins.   Most of us, not all, choose the 30 min drive with the increased risk of death.   

So Grandma should take the surface streets since she isn't the best driver anymore. (Stay home).   Those who are willing and able, should take the expressway if they want to. 

It's not a perfect analogy, analogies rarely are, but the point is there.   We all make choices everyday that impact our risk of death.   A 22 year old attending a football game in the era of Covid is no different.    He / she first needs to get in a car wreck / contract Covid and he / she then needs to die.   The chances of both of those happening is extremely rare evidenced by the statics on the CDC website above.  

@BrainDed posted:

Of people aged 18-29 there have been 806 covid deaths in the US.    If I'm in that age group, and those pics are the student section, I'm absolutely going to the game.

And you are a FUCKING IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It's not about whether you die or not, it is about how many others you infect and whether they die or not.  Former local high school principal was visited by someone who knew they were positive but didn't tell anybody.  Father, about 58-60 caught it, has been hospitalized for almost 2 months.  Drs. wanted to disconnect ventilator over a month ago, family wouldn't let them.  He continues to be hospitalized, Drs. say he is in a downward spiral now.  This is right here in Wisconsin.  Would you want to be the one who infected him? 

@ammo posted:

And you are a FUCKING IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It's not about whether you die or not, it is about how many others you infect and whether they die or not.  Former local high school principal was visited by someone who knew they were positive but didn't tell anybody.  Father, about 58-60 caught it, has been hospitalized for almost 2 months.  Drs. wanted to disconnect ventilator over a month ago, family wouldn't let them.  He continues to be hospitalized, Drs. say he is in a downward spiral now.  This is right here in Wisconsin.  Would you want to be the one who infected him? 

..and just like that a civil discussion gets shit on by a triggered snowflake. 

@Floridarob posted:

more like .00000000000000000005%. Bigger risk walking to the mailbox and getting hit by lightning. 


Edit-but I would not do it either....

So, was Trump walking to his mailbox when he caught the hoax? After all, "It doesn't affect anybody," according to Trump.

@Boris posted:

The Chance of you getting covid increases exponentially -- Sure, maybe you don't "die" but why do you want to risk it?

Even if it doesn't kill you, it can cause permanent damage to your lungs and heart. Wear a mask, keep socially distant from others and wash your hands!

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