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Originally posted by Rusty:
I watched the game from start to finish, plus some pre and post game. I saw everything with my own eyes. I still can't believe it: World. Freaking. Champions.

Havent rewatched the game yet but every night this week i've watched Mondays version of Mike and Mike, First Take, NFL Prime Time, Sportscenter and NFL Network that I DVRed. I just can't get enough of it.

I'll be watching the Super Bowl rerun this weekend. I've already watched the last Pittsburgh series a few times. I love when Wallace is complaining about PI, Aikman agrees, then they replay it and Aikman goes "Well from that angle it doesn't look like PI". Haha, nope, just perfect coverage by Tramon.
I am with both of you 100%. It is almost surreal. The only thing I can attribute it to is that is was just so unexpected. The beginning of the season had so much optimism and hope attached to it, but once the injuries set in I think expectations were drastically lowered. Even after the Pack started getting players back, their performance was still wildly inconsistent which is why I wasn't overally pumped heading into the postseason. Once we got on a role in the playoffs, expectations were high again but things were all happening too fast to let it set in.
I keep re-watching that incredible 3rd and 10 conversion in the 4th. Just...not many QB's can complete that kind of pass. Ike Taylor even got a few fingers on the ball. Crazy to think that if Rodgers threw that just even a SPLIT SECOND later it most likely gets tipped away and the Packers are punting from their own 25 with a good 5:53 left to go. Everything had to be perfect on that play and it was. Huge, huge play. Also keep watching the trophy presentation, gives me chills. I also liked this

I'm having the same problem. It still doesn't feel like it actually happened. I'm still waiting for the NFL to announce that they are taking the trophy away because the Packers could not have possibily won it with that many key players on the IR.

I think the injuries, combined with what it took to win it (i.e., really six consecutive playoff games, with all NFC games on the road), makes it incomprehensible.

After the game, I kept saying to myself, and my wife and kids, "We won the Super Bowl. WE WON THE SUPER BOWL." I've continued to do that since Sunday, and I still can't wrap my brain around it. We sit atop the NFL mountain. We are the best. And we did it with 1/4 of our opening day roster on the IR. Amazing.
Originally posted by Dyslexic Dog:
That was one of the best views of my life!

I hope you don't mind, but I have been sharing your awesome picture in other places...
You never forget your first.

Of course for some of us, this wasn't our first but I do believe it was very unexpected due to all the injuries.

I've been very humble and grateful when someone congratulates me. Know why? Because I act like I've been there before and I will be there again.
Adversity builds character and that's what pushed them across the finish line. Watching the game, my impression was that the Packers were the tougher team, both physically and mentally.

An unbelievable journey that I'll never forget and my favorite GB SB team.
Originally posted by Boris:
You never forget your first.

Of course for some of us, this wasn't our first but I do believe it was very unexpected due to all the injuries.

I've been very humble and grateful when someone congratulates me. Know why? Because I act like I've been there before and I will be there again.

I agree - unexpected. This wasn't a typical march to a SB victory.

After the game, I was staring at the TV thinking about all that just happened and looking like I was still concerned over things. Not yet in a rejoicing mood. My wife comes up to me and says, "GOL, the game is over, your team just won, you can relax now." Maybe stunned is the word I'm looking for.

I remember the first SB. So I have been there before as well. But somehow it is always a little different thing when our team wins it again. I hope for a few more now. We will see. Kurt Warner once said after winning his first SB that the Rams could win 6 SBs. We all know how far that went.
It has not even been a week since the game....but in some ways it already feels like months ago.

Gotta get me some GBP world champion gear.

I think a trip to the stockholders meating or just a trip to Green Bay is in order this summer.

31 was great because it was my first as a fan. But this one is better in so many ways.

ARod proving all the dum dums wrong

ROTTT proving all the dum dums wrong.

ROMMM proving all the dum dums wrong (me included)

F Bert Favre....hopefully he will never be the lead in on any GBP talk or discussion. THis is ARod's packers.

The entire playoff or go home games the past month and a half.

Giants, Bares, Eagles, Falcons, Bares, Steelers.

Oh yeah and besides the winning the superbowl. The best part was beating down the Bares in their house for the trip.

31-45 were awesome in their own ways.
Last edited by Boris
I'm with Ghost. I had resigned myself to PIT's last second win to the point when it got to 3rd down and then 4th and 5, it was almost like being thrown in a tub of ice water. I jumped off my seat and started slapping the table, this is it! this is the game! and when that pass fell incomplete, I didn't know what to do with myself. It was stunned and overcome with incredible joy. It was real. Now I almost feel a little post-partem. Until I think back to sunday, then all is fine.
It has been a bittersweet week. I can't exclaim enough just how joyous it really was to watch that Super Bowl, and watch the team bask in victory throughout the week. But at the same time, my Grandfather passed away on Tuesday which sort of put a damper on things and I will go to his funeral tomorrow.

I'll say one thing, I'd be 10 times more depressed if the Pack had lost that Super Bowl to go along with my Grandfather dying. At least there was some good to counteract the bad. And my Grandfather was 102 years old, so at least I know he died after having had a long and good life.
My wife said she couldn't believe I wasn't jumping up and down and running around the hose after the game. For some reason I just felt like it was meant to be. I kept telling her throughout the playoffs, if the just play their game, they will win. Reading all of McCarthy's press conferences in the weeks leading up to the game gave me confidence.

I was unfortunately home sick(half the company is out). I watched the Travel Channel buffered on the DVR between sleeping and their were plenty of commercials with Rodgers saying I'm going to Disney World!!!!
Cherish the memories, fightphoe93. He'll always be in your heart.

As for this Super Bowl, I think it just kind of snuck up on me. The team was ready, I wasn't. There were too many years of "interceptions," if you know what I mean. Wink I was always waiting for that last minute disappointment. I'm just not used to a non-interception game! Eeker
Last edited by QuietOne
Yeah, me too.

A few minutes ago I was looking at my Packer framed pics and thought, "wow, I cant believe they won. It was a total team effort this time. Not just several guys playing "BIG". It was the entire team and then some." A real unified achievement.
Remeber the end of Miracle? After the game with Russia and then the Gold Medal game. The team sat in the locker room and it kind of hit everyone that "We did IT!!!" but they realized they would never play with each other again. I've had a tough time with that this week. They did it. A collection of guys that came togeter because an unassuming guy with an eye for talent and character saw what no one else did. And they gave all and did it. They did it!!! But I'm probably never going to see THIS group of guy's play together again.

Then MM came out and said we're linked by this Championship forever. It's going to hit home. Maybe next week, maybe in 6 months. But 20 years from now I'll remeber the last 6 weeks like it was yesterday.
Last edited by ChilliJon
Originally posted by fightphoe93:
..... my Grandfather passed away on Tuesday ..... And my Grandfather was 102 years old, so at least I know he died after having had a long and good life.

Wow. Over 100? That is very good. However, I understand - you and your family will be in my prayers.
Gotta admit, as the Steelers started that last drive and especially as they got the quick first down, I thought it would come down to something like 20 seconds left with the Steelers at the Packer 15 or something.

It just seemed like the drive fizzled more like an opening drive than a Super Bowl winning drive. I looked around like...."That's it? No pain here?". I was in Milwaukee with my Dad and 4 sibs and various others....I got on the phone with Mrs. Blair Kiel who was home in Jax alone and started screaming as the possesion changed.

Since there was time on the clock, she didn't immediately comprehend it was over.

Good stuff!
Last edited by Blair Kiel
Originally posted by fightphoe93:
It has been a bittersweet week. I can't exclaim enough just how joyous it really was to watch that Super Bowl, and watch the team bask in victory throughout the week. But at the same time, my Grandfather passed away on Tuesday which sort of put a damper on things and I will go to his funeral tomorrow.

I'll say one thing, I'd be 10 times more depressed if the Pack had lost that Super Bowl to go along with my Grandfather dying. At least there was some good to counteract the bad. And my Grandfather was 102 years old, so at least I know he died after having had a long and good life.

Losing a loved one always sucks... but 102 years old? Man, that's something to cherish and celebrate. Good for him!!!!
It's been almost a week and I'm still waiting for the zebras to throw a PI flag on Tramon after the 4th and 5 incompletion. Not that there was any interference on the play....I'm still having a hard time believing that the season is over and the Packers are champs.
I was thinking something about the Packers pass rush. While the sacks are a good number, an even bigger impact is the interceptions they've forced with pressure. Packers had 10! INT's in the post season. They didn't all come from pressure but a lot of them did.
Originally posted by bdplant:
It's been almost a week and I'm still waiting for the zebras to throw a PI flag on Tramon after the 4th and 5 incompletion. Not that there was any interference on the play....I'm still having a hard time believing that the season is over and the Packers are champs.

Get a hold of the NFL Channel Sound FX 30 minute video. Tramon made a spectacular play to knock the ball out of deadbeat steeler-boy's hands.

It all hit me when I watched the end of that very same video.


The belt.


Pan up to the trophy.

It brought tears to my eyes.

Originally posted by Orlando Wolf:
I am with both of you 100%. It is almost surreal. The only thing I can attribute it to is that is was just so unexpected. The beginning of the season had so much optimism and hope attached to it, but once the injuries set in I think expectations were drastically lowered. Even after the Pack started getting players back, their performance was still wildly inconsistent which is why I wasn't overally pumped heading into the postseason. Once we got on a role in the playoffs, expectations were high again but things were all happening too fast to let it set in.


Watched Inside the NFL on SHO the other night and it reminded me just how many big plays happened during the game. They spent time focusing on how the Pickett/CMIII fumble changed the game, but there were others as well (i.e. Jennings big catch down the seam on 3rd and 10). Gave me goosebumps watching the postgame celebration.

I wasn't alive for the 60s Superbowls but I do remember fondly Superbowl XXXI - that was a great moment. I also remember telling myself at that time "at least I saw them win a title in my lifetime" and then they go out this year, against all odds, and win it. While I don't want to say it hasn't sunk in yet, I don't think we'll appreciate it until later for a number of reasons. I'm not as shocked that they won it but rather HOW they won it. It almost felt more like the NCAA Tournament where your team goes on a run and ends up winning it all.

Whatever the case I loaded up on NFCCG gear (50% off at Kohls) and picked up some SBXLV stuff this week also. The Reebok (gray) hoodies are pretty damn cool. Got the fitted cap but I actually like the gray one better (NFC Champs) but at this point it doesn't matter. They won the freaking Superbowl so it's all good.
Originally posted by Blair Kiel:
Gotta admit, as the Steelers started that last drive and especially as they got the quick first down, I thought it would come down to something like 20 seconds left with the Steelers at the Packer 15 or something.

It just seemed like the drive fizzled more like an opening drive than a Super Bowl winning drive. I looked around like...."That's it? No pain here?". I was in Milwaukee with my Dad and 4 sibs and various others....I got on the phone with Mrs. Blair Kiel who was home in Jax alone and started screaming as the possesion changed.

Since there was time on the clock, she didn't immediately comprehend it was over.

Good stuff!

Same thing happened in my living room- just 3 of us realized they had stopped em on downs, the rest weren't really comprehending that the game was over. I think it had some to do with the fact that Aikman and Buck believed there was contact on the play. I myself was waiting for a flag that never came.

I had the same feeling heading into that last Pittsburgh possession- here we go again. But, just like they have all year, the defense finished the job. Such a great feeling to have faith in the defensive unit getting it done!
Such a great feeling to have faith in the defensive unit getting it done!


I've almost posted this numerous times... being a season ticket holder I believe the reason it didn't hit home as powerfully as 1996 is because of HFA.
In 1996, I was there for the 49er cold wind and rain game where Desmond performed his magic. Then the next week for the NFCCG when Carolina got beat down and off to the SB we went. In '96 I was heavily invested in the two games to get to the SB from being at Lambeau - cheering, comaraderie, tailgating before and after, living the high life. This year it was sit down (well, and stand up) and watch TV.

Let's do it again next year with HFA! And I'm not complaining by any means.

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