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Reply to "Aaron Rodgers"

I don't think MM is the problem. I think his QB coach and OC are failed retreads who aren't helping him out. I think Clements is probably best served as QB coach and I think Van Pelt is probably challenging Rodgers very little. McCarthy likes these guys because they have bought 100% in his system and his "culture" but that doesn't necessarily mean they are good coaches. I think Philbin had a different perspective being a former OL coach and also seemed to be very meticulous. That brought some different methods and practices to the O, now we have 3 QB coaches running the O, that changes things a bit. I think even MacAdoo being at QB coach brought some different perspective with his background as TE coach. McCarthy needs to find a real OC who can handle the O while he oversees everything. It's crazy that our HC spends more time with the D and less with the O and now we see the O struggling. Find a real staff, not just cronies.