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Reply to "Dom Capers"

To quote Kevin Greene--"It is time".....time to part ways with Capers.


As the old saying goes, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  In this case, it's expecting a Dom Capers defense to win a crucial game in the playoffs.


The fact that the Packers stopped Seattle for much of the game isn't cause for celebration.  Seattle is a mediocre offense, scored more than 24 points once in their last 7 games. 


But, when it counted, the Packers defense gave up 3 TD on Seattle's last 3 drives.  Just like last year, when with 5 minutes left and the score tied, the 49ers went right down the field and scored.  Or, in 2012, when the 49ers ran the Packers out of the building.   Or, 2011, when the Giants beat the Packers in Lambeau with Manning carving up the Packers defense.  Or, 2009, when Kurt Warner absolutely torched the Packers.

It's been 5 playoff trips with Capers, and 4 absolute failures.  


We had only one siginifcant injury on defense this year- Raji--and Guion was very good replacing him once he got into game shape.  While I realize there is a gaping hole at MLB, I just can't accept that another defensive coordintor could not get more out of this talent. I don't think at this point it is knee jerk to fire Capers, he has had 6 years and his defense is no better today than it was in 2009.



Last edited by slowmo