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Reply to "Hank"

Originally posted by JJSD:
Originally posted by Randy Moss:
Hank I wrote this for you.Some of us have been bowed down with burdens of guilt,shame,bitterness,fear,and discouragement since childhood. We are tired of trying to stand,let alone walk under such a heavy load. As we allow our higher power to infuse our soul will we only then receive the gift of peace.

You should meat Jerry. "Mental health professional?" Which school of psychology to you follow predominantly? Or do you just scrub the crappers at a loony bin?

Peace be with you!

Why did you even bother hitting the quote button? You are allowed to just repond by hitting reply. We all know what you are responding yo without having to see the GD janitor from scrubs again.
Good question. I went to the Augusta state university in Ga for my BA.I did scrub toilets. It was not the best way of life but it allowed me to eat. Such as Ramen noodles and the like. Many therapists work in facilities as custodians. I t really surprises patients when they find out.
Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong