I don't know about the rest of you but if we are to use Bessie's equation 2 is still more than 0.
So not only does Bessie have to go to the Ophers for ammo, (Badgers have one national championship using that equation btw) he has to rely on tax payer funded stadium amenities to justify zero championships?
Last time I checked zero was the same in 1931 as it is in 2013. Kooky, I know.
What's even better is Bessie highlighting the fact that Vajeen fans have to be pampered with other luxuries just to pay attention to that travesty of a team on the field. Isn't that a screaming indictment of what we all know, that Vajeen fans are a bunch of fair weather, passive aggressive twats? Why yes it is. Yet he seems to think that loyal fans participating in funding and sell out crowds at a stadium without a giant sneezeguard is somehow an indictment?
Now pay attention everyone, this will be on the quiz. This syndrome comes from "rooting" for a team with no tradition and never having experienced the pinnacle of success. Every game day is couched with failure and subliminal anticipation of impending failure. Even when they tailgate or try to revel in the other festivities that surround a professional football game it waits in the back of their mind, just like my total domination of Bessie. It diminishes their joy without them even knowing it. They have to overcompensate with materialistic overconsumption, shelling out money for ridiculous gadgets that never truly fulfill the desire; the desire to not be a loser.