@ammo posted:
Since 2017 …
2 of the teams above have played in multiple Super Bowls, winning one and losing one.
2 of the teams above have made multiple trades FOR players in attempts to improve their rosters.
2 of the teams above have gone the dreaded (for certain Packer fans) all-in route in their attempts to compete for Super Bowls.
1 team above has nearly exclusively traded AWAY players to accumulate more draft picks in order to always remain “competitive.”
And this season, just 1 team above finished 3rd in its division and allowed its fans to begin thinking about the 2025 draft after a quick and non-competitive first round playoff exit. Fans of the other 2 teams have to watch them play again tomorrow.
The “best” Packer fans obviously understand that winning the youngest team in the NFL “award” 2 years running is a huge, huge accomplishment.
It is only the bad Packer fans who notice that teams like Philly & the LA Rams have not followed the GB way of roster building during what is now going on 15 years since the Pack’s last SB appearance.