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Reply to "Packers OTAs"

I don't know about the rest of the world but I call 'em as I see 'em.  Let me know where Southerners are on race when I don't see cars in the middle of Jacksonville with "Get Out Niggers".


How many people **** their pants over this?

Up Nort they just whisper about them niggers and start sentences with "I'm not a racist but . . . ".  

See CJ's post about Charles Johnson.  That Janis is so articulate.

And to end this on as positive a note as possible.  Most people aren't intentionally racist.  In fact it's just unaddressed prejudices, WHICH EVERY PERSON ON THE PLANET HAS.  They are just unaware of what gets ingrained in the local society because it's been there for decades if not centuries.  Be strong enough to look internally and say, "Oh, so that's there" and go about your day.  You won't ever have to start sentences with "I'm not a racist but . . .".  It's nice. 

Edit:  Honestly, who gives a **** anymore.  Keep over analyzing a bit ST player.  I wonder if Jarett Bush will make the leap this year?


Last edited by Henry