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++ There have been times lately I have questioned MM's play calling. He redeemed himself on that 17-play beauty today to ice the game. He also called a good mix of run/pass to keep the Queens from teeing off on Barclay and the rest of the line, especially with the runs away from Allen to tire him out. Allen got 1.5 sacks, but it was a pretty quiet game for him.
I may have witnessed the worst game played by a a QB in my lifetime.

As Blair Kiel could tell you since he was following my updates, Lindley for the Cardinals and Sanchez for the Jets were much worse. At least Ponder had a higher QB rating than somebody who just throws an incompletion on every pass.
- Top of the division
- Run game
- Pass coverage, corners were excellent, thought Tramon looked better than in recent games
- Crosby? I guess. Just doing his job, but hopefully he's getting out of the slump.

- Run defense, holy cow. i think not having woodson especially hurt them in run defense.
- Pass pro - got much better after half and Barclay didn't look bad, but it seemed like Rodgers was running around quite a bit
- Injuries - assuming Nelson will be out a few weeks with the hamstring, hopefully Lang isn't out too long and we can put him back at LG with Barclay at RT. we'll see.
Burnett 2 INTs
return of Greg Jennings
AR12 wins on his B-day
Barclay held his own
Jordy and Lang injuries
Viking TE does Lambeau leap Mad

Great sports weekend
Badgers & Packers win
Vikes, Bears, Lions and 49ers lose
Last edited by GreenBayLA
Originally posted by Grave Digger:
If I'm McCarthy and TJ Lang can play next week, I would think seriously about moving Lang back to LG and giving Barclay the start. Give Barclay some help and let Lang do his thing at LG where he belongs.

Originally posted by FreeSafety:
No complaints about MM this week from me. In fact it must be hard calling pass plays when your QB refuses to throw the ball half the time. Good thing the running game was working today.

Barclay looked good, especially when he has to pull outside to open the edge.
Finley with some big 3rd down catches. He's slowly coming on.
Jennings. Welcome back
I have no idea how this team continues to overcome injuries. It's insane.
Starks running hard and finding 3-4 yards when nothing's there.
When minny tried to make a play downfield, they picked on House. He answered.

Hawk and Jones had bad games
Of the holding calls against GB, one was really holding. The rest, BS.
3rd and 1 play calling. It needs to improve.

What AP is doing is silly. He did everything he possibly could today to win that game by himself. It was an incredible performance.
Originally posted by GreenBayLA:
Burnett 2 INTs
return of Greg Jennings
AR12 wins on his B-day
Barclay held his own
Jordy and Lang injuries
Viking TE does Lambeau leap

Great sports weekend
Badgers & Packers win
Vikes, Bears, Lions and 49ers lose

This. Especially the bolded part.

Great team effort and victory today. I can't say enough on how well Barclay held up. Need to add a + for the RBs in general. Who knew Starks had that kind of speed to get around the corner like that!

ARod. Standing tough week after week. Even after cheap shots.
Starks/Green. Good, tough, hard runs all day. Blocking really does make a difference, and they took advantage of them.
OL Rush Blocking/Barclay. Our guys did block well enough to produce some great results in running game, and the entire OL stabilized somewhat after Barclay came in.
JJ. His TD catch was amazing!
Jennings. Had a decent game and made some key catches.
Finley. Finally played to his capabilities for once.
Tecmo. Other than his poor decision on that punt return, he continues to be a dynamic force on offense.
Defensive Backfield/House. When Ponder challenged him, he more than answered the call. Their WR's were never a factor. Burnett wasn't perfect, but played smart and created opportunities for himself.
Overcoming Hochuli and crew. Again!

OL Pass Protection. If it were just one player that needed help...but it's been 3 or 4 out of 5 every game breaking down at different moments. Ugh!
Tackling. It wasn't a matter of missing Matthews, Woodson, Wilson, or anybody else, it was a matter of piss-poor attempts at tackling. How many of AP's yards came after contact? Poor angles, technique, pad level, whatever, it was gawd-awful.
LB's. Every single one of them played poorly. Not only the aforementioned tacking problems, but poor pass coverage on their TE's and RB's, overrunning plays, being out of position, and generating next to nothing for pass rush. Moses gave great effort, but he was out of control on too many plays, and missed sack chances.
Blitzes stonewalled.
Get the negatives out of the way

Packers defense looked pretty vulnerable. Hawk, Jones, and the secondary tackled horribly. Thankfully Ponder and the Viking wideouts suck so bad that 200 yards by AP was tolerable.

Rodgers was running for his life. The guy is really taking some vicious shots this year. Oline pass pro is pretty iffy right now.

The Oline might have had their best run blocking game this season. Really a nice job by them and the TE's .... And Kuhn !

Would be great if Barclay can grab hold of the RT spot and move Lang back to guard. EDS is pretty bad, having him and Saturday on the same line is a problem.

Starks is running hard and with purpose. Wish he would protect himself a bit better though as he has taken some big hits.

Finley had a nice game. Glad we didn't unload him yet Smiler

James Jones is a keeper !!

Always nice to beat the Vikings.
I thought the OL was instantly better once Barclay came in.
James Jones is a freak with these catches, and I hope he keeps it up.
Burnett had a nose for the ball.
Davon House and the rest of the secondary held their own.
Crabtree shows great effort.
Starks/Green had some positive production.
Great to have Jennings back.

Cobb running backwards on punt returns.
Run defense was lacking.
Defense broke contain on Ponder on too many occasions.
Walden seemed to pull up rather than tackle players, not sure what was going on there.
Crosby kick off out of bounce.
I thought the OL was instantly better once Barclay came in.

In my opinion that's because it forced MM to start helping out the RT. As far as the run game I don't know if Barclay was part of the improvement or if it was because we finally ran outside of the tackles more. Saturday getting blown back 3 yards doesn't hurt as much when you are already running to the outside.

+ Yes, Ponder and the WR group for the Vikes is bad, but some credit has to go to our young CB's.. Again, no completed passes against Heyward. WOW! He is having an amazing season and not many outside of GB know about it.

+ Burnett making up for his piss poor tackling with 2 picks.

+ Got the ground game going with some new play calls.

+ Rodgers drawing the Vikes offsides for free plays.


- AJ Hawk got totally embarrassed. I saw him get pancacked by the fullbuck, literally, driven onto his rear end, twice. Jones wasn't much better.

- Cobb needs to stop with the bone head returns.

- 3rd and 1 play calling in the 1rst half. Shotgun and run behind Saturday? The inability to sustain drives allowed the Vikes to wear down our D and it led to the first half scores.

- Either Rodgers is holding the ball to long as he isn't going through progressions fast enough or our all world WR group isn't getting open. Sure, a lot of times the line gets beat, however, just as often the play is taking too long.
Originally posted by BrainDed:
- AJ Hawk got totally embarrassed. I saw him get pancacked by the fullbuck, literally, driven onto his rear end, twice. Jones wasn't much better.

I'm going to pile on more this week. Watching Jones and Hawk play, it's not obvious who is the starting ILB and who is the third string ILB. That's embarrassing for Hawk. If this defense ever wants to be great, Hawk has got to be replaced. He's just so weak against the run. Even worse, he's just as bad against the Pass. His play fluctuates too much between good and bad (mostly bad in the last two games).

Top 2 needs this offseason: interior o-line and inside linebacker.
Positives: run game and pass defense

Deltas: run defense and pass offense

Response to draft needs: The OL is a mess. I don't believe in Newhouse. Sherrod may be in no physical condition to take the position like a #1 draft pick should (and I don't mean physical). There are still 4 regular season weeks left plus playoffs, but if it were me, there would be an LT drafted rather high (1-3 round) despite the emphasis the last 3 years. Play in the final weeks and severity of injuries will dictate urgency in the draft for tackles. As for the interior line, we miss Wells! We need a nasty center (that was not Wells, either) that will make Sitton and Lang look like Brownies.
They need a Frank Winters (not necessarily the fastest, strongest guy but a nasty son of a bitch who chewed people up and spat them out) or Mike Flanagan (a big, athletic talent who was amongst the elite at his position in his prime) to play consistent football in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Wells wasn't a slouch and he gave it everything he had, but he couldn't compare to those other two players. Nothing really needs to be said about Saturday I think. This crap with playing these undersized centers needs to end. No more rentals, no more try hard guys. They need the real deal if they want to keep Rodgers healthy and continue to win division titles.
Originally posted by El-Ka-Bong:
I should be more clear.

By a starting QB when the teams plan all along was for this guy to start.

Ponder is really, really bad.

While Ponder wasn't good, he really has no viable target other than Rudolph right now either. Their other receivers were blanketed by whichever d-back was in the neighborhood and get no separation from anyone.

Good: Win, this week won't be so bad at work.

Bad: Not pretty/should have buried them, injuries
It's the NFL... a win's a win.

Just last week:
Originally posted by ChilliJon:
Current Super Bowl odds:

Packers 10:1
Texans, Patriots 9:2
49ers 5:1
Broncos 11:2
Falcons 17:2
Giants 9:1.

And STL just beat the 49ers. Division games are always tough.
+ When you're as battered injury wise as the Packers are, you just take any win you can get.

+ Enjoyed seeing some semblance of a real running game.

+ Morgan Burnett pass defense.

- The injuries just keep on coming.
If you do up a KISS Approach (Keep It Simple, Stupid), I think the Packer's weaknesses reduce to offensive line play (unless Crosby bites us in the rear end with a critical miss in some game).

If Woodson comes back and when Matthews returns, I think the D is much improved over the 15-1 team.

Just bad luck. Sherrod, Bulaga.

This team's performance is dependent on the o-line so much that whatever is 2nd is a fairly distant 2nd, in my opinion.
Agreed that the OL's level of functioning is the most important, but IMHO you can't really understate the importance of CMIII. When he plays - since he's one of the best defensive players in the game - the entire pass rush is exponentially better. When he gets back, that will somewhat lessen the need for the OL to play at its highest level.
Yeah, JJSD, I agree as well (which is why I threw in that "if").

When he and Woodson are back (and I expect Woodson to almost entirely patrol the LoS + be a blitzer), to me it's so much on the o-line.

By the way, how important has Pickett been? Man.
Crosby's almost missed PAT, missed FG and missed kick and the poor kickoff to begin the second half.

+ Crosby's two good FGs and late kickoffs.
(Crosby's last two kick-offs...during this slump not only has Crosby missed makable FGs, but his kickoffs also were much shorter with worse poor hang time. Not so later in the second half. Maybe he is climbing out this slump.)
+ Run game Green and Starks and OL run blocks
+ Having the INT taken away from Jared Allen
Originally posted by Hungry5:
It's the NFL... a win's a win.

And STL just beat the 49ers. Division games are always tough.

Packers beat the Vikings & Rams, 2 teams the Niners couldn't beat.

Only thing I'm worried about is the Packer O-Line. They're extremely beat-up
I'll say this about Crosby. When MM kept the offense on the field at the 30 with 4th and 7, and then he called on Crosby after the Vikings called a TO. The only thing going through Crosby's mind was, miss and you won't be a Packer tomorrow.

And he drilled it. That's some ballsy stuff. The one he made after the 11 minute drive in the 4th was probably the best looking kick I've seen him make in a long time.

I'm not ready to say he's fixed anything. I just thought there was no way he was making that 47 yarder given what was riding on it.
I liked McCarthy's comment about why he opted for the FG after the MIN time-out, when initially lining up for a 4th and 7 play...

paraphrasing: we had a rhythm play ready, then after the TO we trusted the play sheet for down & distance and field position and went for the FG
"Police radio broadcasts during the incident said authorities were seeking a man wearing a purple sombrero," Doug Schneider writes.

ummm, how hard is it to throw a sombrero in a trunk or dumpster? what a lead. surprised they haven't found him yet. Roll Eyes
Originally posted by Hungry5:
I liked McCarthy's comment about why he opted for the FG after the MIN time-out, when initially lining up for a 4th and 7 play...

paraphrasing: we had a rhythm play ready, then after the TO we trusted the play sheet for down & distance and field position and went for the FG

So he needed a TO to think rationally ?? Not confident in his game management right now.
Originally posted by Packdog:
Originally posted by Hungry5:
I liked McCarthy's comment about why he opted for the FG after the MIN time-out, when initially lining up for a 4th and 7 play...

paraphrasing: we had a rhythm play ready, then after the TO we trusted the play sheet for down & distance and field position and went for the FG

So he needed a TO to think rationally ?? Not confident in his game management right now.

I think it speaks more to McCarthy's hesitancy about using Crosby than it does game management in general. Crosby getting the yips has made every decision McCarthy makes when the Pack is in borderline FG range very very challenging.

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