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Goalline posted:

Is anyone playing QB better than Russell Wilson on present form?

He is playing scary good.   At one time you could say he really wasn't great throwing from the pocket, but he's getting much better.  He is playing at an elite level.  

Man do I wish that guy had been drafted by an AFC team so he could duel it out with Brady and Luck every year.   

DH13 posted:

How the hell is SEA putting up that many points with no RB and what is supposed to be a crappy OL?  I know BAL is in rough shape but man...

Baltimore sucks this year....badly. Their pass defense is atrocious.

Doug Baldwin playing the best of his career right now.

Seattle O-line is improving. See ya in the playoffs!

Baldwin 8 TDs in 3 games. Not sustainable... and now SEA lost Rawls who was playing very well.

SEA will be tough in playoffs, but I believe if GB faces them it would be in the NFC-C game at Lambeau.

Gould used to be automatic. He's been in a major funk the last couple of weeks. Boo-hoo.

Jacksonville may be a better team than the Colts overall. A healthy Luck is far superior to anybody Jax has at QB, but he is all they have on offense. Their OL is atrocious, running game is anemic, and their passing game is mediocre (although statistically better than the Packers, surprisingly enough). They are terrible on defense, and rank in the bottom 1/4 of the league vs the run, pass, and scoring.

The Jaguars are firmly mid-pack on offense, but I can't see any marked improvement absent a better QB than what they have now. They are light years ahead of the Colts on defense; they are stout vs the pass and average vs the rush. Unfortunately, they are horrid on scoring defense, but I do think they're building on a much better platform.

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