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Holmgren stepping on the Patriots' throat and never letting go. Rison running wide open across the goal line and then some QB running after him. Reggie being Reggie. Whomping a Bill Parcells team.
Favre scoring a rushing TD.

The 2 point conversion, keeping millions from the casinos.

Reggie abusing Max Lane.

Antonio Freeman torching the Patriots secondary.

Desmond Howard earning MVP

Me in tears after the game
The 2 point conversion, keeping millions from the casinos.

Don't get me started on that. My mom, who doesn't follow football, was in one of those pools at work where everybody puts down a buck or two on the various combinations for the last digit of each team's score, and gave the sheet to me to call her up at the end of each quarter to let her know who won, since she doesn't know diddly squat about football. Mom had the Packers ending in 4 and the Patriots ending in 1. The two-point conversion cost her $125. I don't think she ever knew what combinations of numbers she had, though.
Man, I just loved those '95 - '97 teams. The era ended with a thud, but after watching so much futility from the 70's and '80s, that was a special time.

The '96 Packers in particular didn't just beat you, they destroyed you. Double-digit wins in every playoff game that year. The best Packer team I have ever seen since I was too young to have seen the Lombardi years. They had a weakness at LT but were loaded everywhere else. Once Wilkerson stabilized that LT position, they were pretty much unbeatable.
Originally posted by DH13:
Fortunately, the NFL is protecting us from such obviously destructive behaviors.

Protecting players with helmets? Sure. Protecting us from Favre? not so much.

Always thought we'd have another Super Bowl victory from that era. Got there the next year but didn't win. I still wonder how the Holmgren let them score after losing track of what down it was would have mattered? Probably not at all but ?
I was especially proud for my Dad, considering it had been 31 (?) years since the last one, and him getting that thrill again with me being old enough to appreciate it for all it really meant. And we became stock holders after the next SD. Good times!

I had really bought into the "team of destiny" idea, and the more it seemed to fall into place, the more exciting it became. The culmination was Rison's TD pass (2nd or 3rd play of game?), and I just knew we were going to win from that point on.
Howard was like Cobb was on returns in that there was that anticipation and excitement every time he fielded a kick. Then to see him break one in the game was over the top!
I fondly recall Reggie literally taking over that game in the 4th quarter, and the announcer saying "...and just like that, Reggie becomes the record holder of sacks for a SB game...", or very similar. I loved when he found his 'zone' and dominated, and he surely found it in this game.
I confess a personal satisfaction to beating both Parcells and the Patriots; a huge ego in a town of arrogant huge egos. If memory serves, this was after Parcells had that controversy happen in Tampa Bay (accepted HC position only to back out later), and I despised him for it.
Originally posted by Packy:
Always thought we'd have another Super Bowl victory from that era. Got there the next year but didn't win. I still wonder how the Holmgren let them score after losing track of what down it was would have mattered? Probably not at all but ?

Just a fart in the wind. Wolf blamed Mike's failure to adjust to the Denver pressure for the loss.
I grew up in the dark ages of the 70's and 80's and I am man enough to admit I cried like a baby watching Reggie run around the field with the Lombardi trophy.
I just could not believe it was actually happening.
Always thought we'd have another Super Bowl victory from that era. Got there the next year but didn't win. I still wonder how the Holmgren let them score after losing track of what down it was would have mattered? Probably not at all but ?


* Broncos were fined a draft pick & $500,000 for cheating on the salary cap that year. Much like Lance Armstrong, the Broncos have been stripped of their title

I wish the Packers would put that in their yearbook like Ditka did with the replay game for the Bears.
I was a kid in the 70s and 80s too but I wasn't as emotional after SB31. I was elated but that team seemed to build and build to the point where you had very little doubt going into almost every game, that they would win. Losing a bunch of receivers and a couple games in a row mid-season added some drama. But when they dominated through the playoffs, I was pretty stress-free for the big game.

Now SB45 - that was a different matter. I was a little incredulous through that whole playoff run up until Tramon batted away that last pass. That's when I lost it and walked out of the bar into the street (where there was nobody) to pull it together and let it sink in. After seeing so many playoff hopes dashed during the Sherman/Farb years, even when AR started emerging, I wasn't too optimistic I would see them win another ring. That post season seemed a lot more magical to me.

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