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I think they'll move back into the 10-15 range as others have suggested, but I think we all need to be comfortable with still seeing yards piled up. That's just today's game.

In just 2006, 18 teams gave up fewer than 330 YPG. Last year, only 8 accomplished the feat. Throw in the "teams will be playing catch up" theory, and we'll still see the ball moved more than we'd like. That said, a little improvement should go a long way toward improving the only stat that matters: number of World Championships.
I think they'll finish about 15th in yards allowed, which is what I based the question on. With their proficiency for the big play, perhaps put them near 10 or better in points allowed and Top 5 in TO's.

I could see them being even better though.

My hope is that the motivational contribution of the likes of Matthews, Woodson, and coaches Greene and Capers along with a heavy reliance on rotating the DL is such that the whole motivation concern for the top 2 picks is a non-factor.

If it is a non-factor, watch out!
Originally posted by Fedya:
Yeah, I'm not seeing where the defense lost that game.

Well, there was the end of the half.

The defense at least was competitive in the 3rd quarter. But without looking at the stat line, I think the defense gave up 20 points and 300 yards in the first half alone. They really set the tone for an awful day by everyone.
Originally posted by Satori:
You and your lobotomy even admit that's the case in your bolded statement- in other words - you know its idiotic, lame and useless but will fight to the death for the right to continue using it. And I'm the putz ?

Yes, you are the putz. I don't think for one second that it is a useless, idiotic stat. It doesn't tell the whole story, but it is extreme and indicates that there are problems with the D that needed to be addressed.

Oh by the way, Ted Thompson just drafted half a defense. He might agree. He definitely would agree that you're a putz if you think setting a record in yards allowed is not indicative of a problem that needs to be solved.

But please, continue to deal in your absolutes and claim evereyone else is the idiot. Have a special day!

Originally posted by Music City:
I think Capers wants to atone for manning the helm of the worst defense in the history of the NFL.

Originally posted by Music City:
Now I don't think their D was the worst ever

You don't even agree with yourself - clearly you aren't ready to have a battle of wits with a... putz.

Keep digging though, its kinda fun to watch

Dance for me Music City, dance!
Oh by the way, Ted Thompson just drafted half a defense. He might agree. He definitely would agree that you're a putz if you think setting a record in yards allowed is not indicative of a problem that needs to be solved.

And Thompson would tell you that the defense you keep ragging on also won 15 ****ing games last year.

I doubt anyone here is going to argue that the D was amazing last year but don't pull that "most yards given up in a year" stat out of your ass and expect it to add much to your argument.
Originally posted by bubbleboy789:
And Thompson would tell you that the defense you keep ragging on also won 15 ****ing games last year.

I doubt anyone here is going to argue that the D was amazing last year but don't pull that "most yards given up in a year" stat out of your ass and expect it to add much to your argument.

What argument? That the defense was poor last year? Is there really an argument?

If you want to discuss the merits if the statistics, go ahead. I said it doesn't tell the whole story. What more do you want?

So are you saying that the statistics didn't indicate a problem? They won 15 games last year, so that means the D was fine? They don't need the be a lot better?
Originally posted by PDXPackFan:
They are a bad defense until they can prove otherwise

Really bad. With the exception of 2 or 3 games, they were awful. Bad tackling, frequent coverage breakdowns, blown assignments, non-existant pass rush. As many have said, they dont need to be great with this offense. If they are average or better in 2012 and we avoid injuries, I like our chances. It is amazing that they won 15 games with such a poor D, a credit to the offense and the one thing the D did well-force turnovers.
The 2011 defense obviously fell off in performance from the super bowl winning defense. What happened ? Some of it is obvious : losing Cullen Jenkins and Nick Collins hurt big time. Some of it conjecture : certain guys play dropped off like Raji, Tramon, Woodson, Shields, Walden, etc, etc...did they rest on their laurels, feel too good about their rings and become risk takers ? Or have personal issues like Walden ?

Good news is the defensive personnel that won the super bowl is largely intact. The Packers , still, have an outstanding defensive coaching staff. I honestly think a renewed focus by last years players and coaches, alone, would improve the defense. But it's gets way better than that... we get a major infusion of defensive talent from Ted Thompson and his top shelf scouting department on top of the renewed focus ...throw in a few defensive FA's...gonna be exciting as hell to watch.

So, I'm saying they move up above 32nd !!!
Originally posted by Satori:

Originally posted by Music City:
I think Capers wants to atone for manning the helm of the worst defense in the history of the NFL.

Originally posted by Music City:
Now I don't think their D was the worst ever

You don't even agree with yourself - clearly you aren't ready to have a battle of wits with a... putz.

Keep digging though, its kinda fun to watch

Dance for me Music City, dance!

It's obvious from reading the entire thread that when MC writes "worst defense in the history of the NFL," he is saying worst according to the criteria the NFL uses - and he has said as much.

MC does agree with himself. You're just being dishonest by interpreting his words in a manner he clearly does not intend and then concluding on that basis.

Nice dance, that.
Originally posted by ammo:
...if the Packers give up more yards this year than last year but rank 27th instead of 32nd because 5 other teams got worse then the Packers D got better.

How about simply the reverse of this past year's stats (19th in yards and 32nd in points allowed)?

I'm sure that would go over like a Led Zeppelin (and it would deserve to).
Originally posted by Boris:

I can name that tune in 2 words.

Nick | Cullen

That is all.

In that order, too. That doesn't even include productivity regressions by multiple other defenders as well.

Despite all of the injuries in 2010, we didn't lose a single one of our difference-makers for the season (just for part of or a full game here and there).

That was not true of last year.
My biggest worry isn't the rookies coming in. It's the void left by Nick Collins. He was on his way to becoming a leader of the D in the mold of Ed Reed. That dude was a security blanket behind everyone when it came to the run or pass and had the experience to win pre-snap adjustment battles vs any QB in the league. He was a top five safety in the league. That's a real wonderful thing to have and a real hard thing to replace.

Indeed it is/was a major major loss and we saw the number of big plays really skyrocket last year. I think it was probably a bigger hit than losing Jenkins because Collins never left the field

The good news is that we still have Darren Perry and Dom to get the next guy ready, but to lose the knowledge and experience of Nick Collins is a killer for any defense. Collins was top 5 ... and under- appreciated both in and out of GB

The young speedsters don't have the experience and football smarts, and the wiley vet FAs don't have the speed or coverage ability. Very tough to replace
On the face of it, I would think Capers is going to try and fill that void by using Woody and Burnett in combo as FS and plugging in McMillan and Peprah in as thumpers. Heyward, House and Shields probably aren't going to be directly competing for the nickel slot as they are probably all going to see a share of work when Woody is lining up at Safety.

Just my take. You don't replace Collins in one season. Capers will have to shape the backfield with what he has.
TT made the mistake of getting away from a good rotation. As soon as Neal was out you made Wynn or Wilson a starter. It was a package on the Dline that was doomed to fail causing a domino effect, exacerbated by Collins being out.

It's not like this defense just sucked all of sudden when they still have plenty of talent on that side of the ball. It was more like the Jenga defense where a couple of pieces damaged the integrity.

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