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Originally Posted by Blair Kiel:
Originally Posted by Stevie:

Belicheck, Carrol, and (God forbid) even Harbaugh would not tolerate this kind of player or coaching effort and result. Why do we have to in Green Bay? Fire'em now!

Stevie's last post-----and then, POOF! -----gone like a fart in the wind.


You (and several others) are a gift!


Never stop doing what  you do.


Just how pissed off are you that the Packers came back?

Not pissed off at all, Blair.  Had to help ice cookies. Couldn't keep posting. Glad we won, but we still need major firings and a more demanding demeanor from McCarthy. The first half is something that NEVER should happen. 

Originally Posted by Stevie:
Originally Posted by lambeausouth:

Keep gashing them, and run the clock out. A rushing TD here wins the game!


What a comeback! All the effort that was not there in the first half is here in the second half in spades.

What took so long? Again, team not prepared? That's what I believe. 

Still waiting to find out how many times per week you masturbate.  It remains an open question, and the scintilla of respect you had already is quickly disappearing.


And no, you'll never, ever not come back here trolling and not get asked that question until it's answered.  


Come on now, Monkey McSpanky - it's time to spill it.

Originally Posted by Tschmack:
Thanks for the memories

Copyright Packers 2013 season


For some reason I felt the need to quote this post


Originally Posted by Tschmack:
Might need to break out the single malt scotch.  The Bud Light on ice ain't cutting it


I was drinking...


Amor Mio Anejo

Aha Toro Reposado

Cava De Oro Anejo


All with a Mexican hand rolled cigar




A Corona beer after it's all said & done

Last edited by Boris

Serious question:  Why wasn't Shields flagged when he threw the ball into the stands after his INT?

I don't think that's a flaggable offense.  That just costs him some dollars...  which it appears he will be collecting quite handily in the near future.  And I still don't even get that.  It's OK to hand the ball to someone in the stands but I don't think it's the same with chucking one way up there. 

The Shields thing was an obvious penalty and I was cringing during that whole sequence until it was clear they weren't going to call it:


Article 5 Other examples of action or inaction that are to be construed as delay of the game include, but are
not limited to, the following:
(a) a player unnecessarily remains on a dead ball or on a runner who has been downed;
(b) the snapper repeatedly snaps the ball after the neutral zone is established and before the Referee can
assume his position (see 7-6-3-c);
(c) undue delay by either team in assembling after a timeout;
(d) a defensive player aligned in a stationary position within one yard of the line of scrimmage makes
quick and abrupt actions that are not a part of normal defensive player movement and are an obvious
attempt to cause an offensive player(s) to foul (false start). (The Referee shall blow his whistle
(e) spiking or throwing the ball in the field of play after a down has ended, except after a score;
Penalty: For delay of the game: Loss of five yards:
(a) from the succeeding spot if it occurs between downs. The ball remains dead; or
(b) from the previous spot if the ball was in play.


I wouldn't have been shocked if they bumped it up into a personal foul. You could call it unsportsmanlike conduct or whatever. Those NFL refs have been known to take some leeway with that in the past after all...

Last edited by 4 Favre

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