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@YATittle posted:

Fire Pettine tomorrow. He can't do it.

This is as much on Gutey as is it on Pettine. It would be nice to have their 1st round and 4th round picks in the rotation at LB and DL. They decided Jordan Love was too good to pass up. Maybe they'll be right, but if they are not that might be Gutey looking for another job in 3-4 years.

@YATittle posted:

Fire Pettine tomorrow. He can't do it.

Having to play Chandon Sullivan, Josh Jackson, Khrys Barnes (whose been dominated at the LOS), Keke, and some random rotation guys on the DL has a lot to do with it.

This is as much on Gutey as is it on Pettine. It would be nice to have their 1st round and 4th round picks in the rotation at LB and DL. They decided Jordan Love was too good to pass up. Maybe they'll be right, but if they are not that might be Gutey looking for another job in 3-4 years.


Building for the future!

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