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If the Packers can get a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos for Newman, the Pack is getting a steal.

Nacho cheese at least !
He's actually better than what's out there -  we're just spoiled Packer fans
Lucas Patrick was a back-up in GB, he immediately became the starter in CHI

And right now, who is taking over Newman's spot at back-up RG ?
Glover, Jennings ?? That's how you get Newman off the roster

@Satori posted:

Nacho cheese at least !
He's actually better than what's out there -  we're just spoiled Packer fans
Lucas Patrick was a back-up in GB, he immediately became the starter in CHI

And right now, who is taking over Newman's spot at back-up RG ?
Glover, Jennings ?? That's how you get Newman off the roster

Both Glover and Jennings make the team, IMO.  Jennings will be this year's UDFA that makes the team.

  Jennings will be this year's UDFA that makes the team.

Hope so.
Seems like he's smart enough to handle the transition to the pro's and he's got a ton of experience :

"In six seasons, Jennings played for three head coaches and five offensive coordinators. He also got his degree, is closing in on his master’s and is ready to make his dream come true in the NFL."

β€œI showcased my athleticism. Athletic movements helped me at tackle, so it should definitely help me at guard, where my opponents are a little less athletic than those edge rushers are. Strength and get-off were also on display. I can play in those tight quarters. I think it went great.”

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