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The field has been the 12th man, for both sides. Eagles play calling on both sides seems better, probably the crappy field is also affecting the 4 man front that GB would like to utilize more, but they’re on skates. Walker is no bueno, O line in general not great. Game remains a coin flip.

The Corinthians soccer team is going to be pissed off when they see what this game is doing to their pitch. And I just hope GB gets through this game without 15 pulled hammys with all the slipping and sliding out there.

@BrainDed posted:

Pretty sloppy, doesn’t feel like we are winning but we are indeed ahead.

Just feels like some preseason PT would have gone a long way.

This is where I agree with Boris. Is the D going to suck more 2nd half? O got a couple of breaks and if they don't come the same way, we are screwed

Truly Pathetic effort by Gary and Alexander

All I see Alexander do is talk crap and get himself beat time and time again. Can he even play anymore?

regerding Gary looks like Tarzan plays like jane

weats all the war paint and looks mean but also never makes any plays

what a joke


Thought this NEW defensive coordinator was the gawd of defense……really??  Ah, show me baby.  And yah, have had a couple of cocktails….out of weed  😂. Let’s go PACK.  ♥️ 💚 💛

I'm not reading too much into this game due to the unique circumstances.
With that said, though, not a lot to be impressed by.

Offense is slightly ahead of the defense, but OL has disappointed thus far.
Run blocking is shit. Jacobs hasn't shown anything in particular.

Defense.... I hope is a work in progress.
Pass rush is weak.
Ditto for tackling.

Antonio Dingle could make more plays than invisable  man Alston and Craig heimey Heimberger the true road grader of yesteryesr would be welcome over overpaid do nothing jenkins

pathetic team

@kworst posted:

Antonio Dingle could make more plays than invisable  man Alston and Craig heimey Heimberger the true road grader of yesteryesr would be welcome over overpaid do nothing jenkins

pathetic team

You've been drinking more than Goldie, haven't you?

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