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Originally Posted by Esox:


Even the "great" Warner couldn't help brokendick.  Oh yeah FK u too Kurt.

Steve Young tried the same thing with Michael Vick. Doesn't really matter how good they look in practice; unless they have a hard nosed coach who is willing to bust their asses, "athletic" QBs will always revert to their same old bad habits when the pressure is on. Even an established superstar like Brett Favre regressed badly to old bad habits when he lost Holmgren.

Last edited by Pack-Man
The following just happened during Kaps post game presser Q&A.

"Colin, on the play following the read option handoff to Hyde, Clay Mathews came in and hit you. Hard. Looked high as well. Any thoughts on that?

"I thought it was late. Not only was it obvious I didn't have the football but I thought it was targeting. I turned to McCauley and wondered if he was going to call it"

"Colin, there was a separate incident where Clay did a Kaepernicking (actual word reporter used) and kissed his bicep after a sack. Did you see that?"


"Any thoughts about that?"

".....on to the next play"
Originally Posted by FLPACKER:

First game where I thought we missed Jordy. Here is what AR had to say:

On SF’s good defense: β€œThey ran a lot of two-high safeties with match coverage underneath. So there weren’t a lot of holes, the check downs weren’t there. So we had to extend a couple plays to make something happen.”

Honestly worried about this as the season goes on. GB just has nothing to take the top off a defense and receivers seem to struggle to get open. Rodgers has to extend the play and buy time for guys to eventually get free

Maybe the WRs are not open to Rodgers risk aversion liking?  I'm not sure, but 12 plays the way he plays and it works exceedingly well for him.  There's been plenty of times in the past where he doesn't take the open underneath stuff because he's waiting for the shot play to open up.  


It's hard not to expect 12 to be hyper vigilant about the pass russ screaming around the outside every play the way the tackles are playing, too.  He  could very well be having trouble with the timing of when the WRs are open and when he's scrambling to keep the play alive.  

Originally Posted by CAPackfan:
Originally Posted by FLPACKER:

First game where I thought we missed Jordy. Here is what AR had to say:

On SF’s good defense: β€œThey ran a lot of two-high safeties with match coverage underneath. So there weren’t a lot of holes, the check downs weren’t there. So we had to extend a couple plays to make something happen.”

Honestly worried about this as the season goes on. GB just has nothing to take the top off a defense and receivers seem to struggle to get open. Rodgers has to extend the play and buy time for guys to eventually get free

Ah...James Jones CAN do the long ball, JMHO.  I think his O line boys have to do a better job of giving A-12 time and protection to get that done. 

Originally Posted by Pikes Peak:

Yup....someone needs to blow by the dbacks, take the lid off and be a threat.  Janis?  Abby?  JJ has been a godsend but he is not a burner, Rick Rod will never outrun anyone down the seam.  Maybe Monty is the guy, lots of potential there.  Adams return is eagerly awaited.

Monty did that on first play and dropped the ball. Seemed to be his weakness in college too. They never called that play again.

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