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Of all of MM's in game gaffes over the years (and let's not kid ourselves there's been a bunch) I don't think one boggles my mind as much as this one. When you're down by 14 getting destroyed in time of possession and your defense is worn out and hasn't stopped the run the entire evening and you've already burned one of your second half time outs and your playing a defense that you can't burn deep and you have to matriculate the ball down the field to score how they heck do you punt there? At least give yourself a chance. That was tantamount to quitting. Mindboggling

Kind of disappointed A Rod didn't brush off the punt team and take control right there too. There's not a doubt in my mind Brady, Manning, or Brees all would have done so.
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Given the porous defense field position really wasn't an issue and I would have gone for it, but in the end it probably wouldn't have mattered anyway. SF was the far superior team and it's hard to envision a series of events that have the Packers winning the game.
Thought Jennings should have made the catch right before MM decided to punt. I agree punting was the wrong decision for all the reasons you mentioned tit. SF drove 90 yards after that punt against a D that had had enough.
Originally posted by ChilliJon:
Thought Jennings should have made the catch right before MM decided to punt. I agree punting was the wrong decision for all the reasons you mentioned tit. SF drove 90 yards after that punt against a D that had had enough.

I thought the ball was a bit out of reach on that one. Correct me if I am wrong but hasn't #12 missed a wide open Jennings in the playoffs when behind 3 times in the last 4 yrs?

I would have gone for it, I too thought that was basically giving up. 2 93 yd drives....unfreekingbelieveable.
Yes, I was thinking the same thing. hat decision & deciding to have Ross receive the punt inside our 10 yard line, instead of Cobb were MM's 2 most questionable decisions....buts lets face it, no matter what we did we were not going to overcome giving up 600 yards of offense.
Originally posted by FLPACKER:
lets face it, no matter what we did we were not going to overcome giving up 600 yards of offense.

yeah its interesting were going through the initial psychological step of coping with a big loss by pointing out specific plays here or there. Truth is, we werent beating this team on the road or at home. We just could not stop them.

Im moving on to the next step, acceptance. This is where we all look back on a good run and be glad were not insert team here
Last edited by WolfPack
Packers had the ball 14-7, and with any kind of score on our next possession, the game's complexion could have been much different. Maybe the Niners don't get 600 yards of offense. Maybe they pass more. Who knows.

The fumble by Ross completely changed the game, that much is certain. We hung in there until 24-24, but the turnovers hurt.
Originally posted by michiganjoe:
Given the porous defense field position really wasn't an issue and I would have gone for it, but in the end it probably wouldn't have mattered anyway. SF was the far superior team and it's hard to envision a series of events that have the Packers winning the game.

Packers should have had the lead at halftime but for the muffed punt at the 9 yard line.

Then in the second half midway throught the third, the defense finally gets a stop on the third down with the game in reach, but Tramon Williams gets flagged for holding. The next play he's watching Hawk trying to cover Davis, and it was pretty much over from there.

Watching Williams practically point at Hawk for the camera was not a proud moment.

After that, I would have still walked away happy if someone had rushed the Niner bench and beat the crap out of Jim Harbaugh. Something about the guy makes me homicidal. Not sure what it is.
Punting with 11 minutes left was mind boggling. The defense was tired and it was 4th and 5, which is a short pass. I liked the odds of making it on 4th down more than giving it back to the 49ers. If the Packers did go down and score a TD, then they are only 7 down, and the defense had some time to rest. At that point the defense hopefully would have motivation to stop the 49ers and get the ball back to the offense.
At least fake the punt.

Whatever. The Packers deserved to lose & the Niners deserved to win.

You knew at some point all the injuries to Packer 1st round draft picks would affect them. At the end of the day it comes down to matchups. Right now the Niners have the better, healthier team which is why they are advancing.
Packers had the ball 14-7, and with any kind of score on our next possession, the game's complexion could have been much different. Maybe the Niners don't get 600 yards of offense. Maybe they pass more. Who knows.

The fumble by Ross completely changed the game, that much is certain. We hung in there until 24-24, but the turnovers hurt.

You knew at some point all the injuries to Packer 1st round draft picks would affect them.
What killed me was the offensive line seemed to play pretty darn well. No way I expected both Barclay and Newhouse to hold up as well as they did. Was very impressed by both.

The linebackers are just brutal however. Walden needs to not be back. He's just not athletic enough and gets a case of the dum dums more often than a candy store. Hawk played like Hawk. He gives you everything he has it's just not good enough. Brad Jones is a back up. Even Clay looked like his head was spinning with all the misdirection.

Going to be excited to see what Manning has next year. I think he's going to impress with a full off season and a training camp where he's not fighting off daily green apple splatters.

I also hope McMillian can get his head in the playbook and figure out where he needs to be. One of the few players on the defense that plays with the nasty streak you need and he has all the athletic ability in the world he just runs around lost out there at times.

The NFC is by far the tougher conference right now and SF and SEA are both just entering their prime windows. They need to get a whole lot better at winning tough, close, hard hitting games because that's what they're going to be involved in if they cross paths with either.
Originally posted by titmfatied:
What killed me was the offensive line seemed to play pretty darn well. No way I expected both Barclay and Newhouse to hold up as well as they did. Was very impressed by both.

Exactly. Good observation. Newhouse looks like a legit LT. It has been many weeks since he had his last bad game.
since Saturday was benched, the middle of the offense line has played a lot better. Would be nice for them to get a big strong center tho to help out going forward. EDS is a free agent I think so will need to work that out.

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