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At The Players™ in beautiful Ponte Vedra Beach Florida yesterday, my initial excitement realizing, "Oh look, a Packer fan." was replaced by the horror of "Oh look, a Packer fan."

I was at the tournament four hours, attendance was approximately 100,000 and  I saw one, count it, one NFL jersey. 

People. You've heard my previous rants about believing nobody over the age of 12 should wear a replica jersey (Look! I'm on the team!) but I've relented and realized its just a sign of fandom.

But at a high-class golf tournament? 

Obama's America has arrived.

Carry on.

PS.  On a positive note, Gilbert has lost some weight.

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Kiel and I are going to discuss this breach of etiquette over finger sandwiches and tea at our monthly Ladies of the White Aggrieved Temperance Movement meeting.  I will be in aforementioned appropriate attire.   

Heathens, all of you.


Last edited by Henry
Tdog posted:

so cutoff bibs, no shirt, straw hat would be frowned upon by the crusties?  I suppose they don't even let you pull a cooler along with you.  thanks drumpf.

Ha ha, I thought it was spelled tRump.      

Is this a good place to bring up that there is no "right" time to wear a cheesehead at a sporting event (or any event where someone is sitting behind you)?  

El-Ka-Bong posted:

Is this a good place to bring up that there is no "right" time to wear a cheesehead at a sporting event (or any event where someone is sitting behind you)?  

Agree.....but when I saw a cheesehead walking on the street about a block away from where Walter Payton's memorial ceremony for the bear fans was, I thought good for him, showing respect for Sweetness from a Packer fan.  Now that was appropriate and an awesome sight.  

I can let the jersey go. I can. It's a middle finger at TPC Sawgo****yourself. 

Should it be a road jersey? Yes it should. 

But you can't go with the matching OTA shorts. Ever. That's crossing a line that shouldn't be crossed. 

The Ref fka Blair Kiel posted:

At The Players™ in beautiful Ponte Vedra Beach Florida yesterday, my initial excitement realizing, "Oh look, a Packer fan." was replaced by the horror of "Oh look, a Packer fan."

I was at the tournament four hours, attendance was approximately 100,000 and  I saw one, count it, one NFL jersey. 

People. You've heard my previous rants about believing nobody over the age of 12 should wear a replica jersey (Look! I'm on the team!) but I've relented and realized its just a sign of fandom.

But at a high-class golf tournament? 

Obama's America has arrived.

Carry on.

PS.  On a positive note, Gilbert has lost some weight.

Holy sh*t!  That guy and his wife were sitting right next to me in the Michelob Blue Room VIP Room next to the #10 tee on Sunday!!

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