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Guys, I must have watched this play 10 times last night. I love my DVR!!

We have our Desmond Howard, gang. Not only do we have Jermichael and Ryan back, we have a whole new dimension to our team. Randall Cobb is a threat to score every time he touches the ball.

The return was amazing, but the TD reception was just as spectacular. He juked the Saints cornerback out of his shorts, and then he turned on the afterburners.

Good for us!!!!
Cobb's a player.

His 2 TD's were of the electrifying variety.

I don't think it will be long before he is on the field more than DD. As much as we all love and respect DD, Cobb is a game changer.

The NFL couldn't have had it any better last night. These Thursday night openers have become almost as big as the Super Bowl, but I think the atmosphere of Lambeau for a big game took it to a whole 'nother level. That was awesome to watch in high def - thank you Packer fans who were there. Made me proud. Team made me proud. Even the Saints made me proud - they fought to the last second (and beyond). That was an incredile night.

Originally posted by TwinRig:
Any way to figure out what MM said to Slocum right at the end of that vid? Something like he just saved your job?

I'm no lip reader, but I'm going with, "You told him not to do that, right?"

That or, "He knows not to do that right?"

Cobb told the DP show he was told not run them out past the 105 mark and was reminded after the play not to do it again.

McCarthy's chuckle before he says it is priceless.
I wonder if the new kickoff rules will actually increase the chances of big kickoff returns. Coverage teams will get a lot less in-game experience at stopping the returns, it might be less predictable as far as when kicks are returned, and returners that do take it out of the endzone might be those that have more talent, like Cobb. Will be interesting to see what trends develop over the season.
That kick off return was AWESOME!

Finally GB has an electric guy that can make a few football moves to leave the defender looking foolish.

It was also nice having Jordy escort him down the sideline along with Lee and Bush. Then Quarles is right behind them , by the way Quarles had quite a few nice blocks in the game alongwith Driver that really helped the run game.

It was nice seeing the special teams have a TD and that they finally looked like a Team not just a bunch of guys running down the field.

Cobb is a differnce maker and his TD catch and run was huge! But its great he fell into TT's lap.
When I was casually watching the play live, & saw Cobb get in trouble and tackled (so I thought) - and noted it was beyond the 20 & thought 'way to go', but the play kept going & Cobb kept running and no one was acting like a whistle was blowing anywhere. Then after he scored & I saw the replays and thought 'WOW', I thought 'that will end the touchbacks' - but Cobb's very next opportunity he took a knee again. He will be a special player in this league.

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