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Originally posted by Boris:
I've always said.... No way TT gets rid of Favre if MM wanted him to stay. To quote a great phrase... "It was time!"

Keep in mind that when they got rid of Favre, McCarthy was only going on year 3 of being in GB. I don't think he had the clout, at that point, to push for a change in philosophy...which was the root of Thompson getting rid of Favre. I don't think it was anything personal on Thompson's part. He wanted to go younger, he had a younger QB in waiting, and Favre had retired. McCarthy's feelings on Favre only made it easier for Thompson to pull the trigger. Even if McCarthy had pushed hard for Favre to stay, I don't think Thompson would have brought him back. No player on this team is above the coach or the GM in Thompson's paradigm, not even Packer legends. Favre played the retirement game every year to watch the coaches and front office scramble and then he swooped in to save the day in an attempt to show how important he was. Thompson wasn't scrambling for him though, he brought in a tough coach and talented heir so that when Favre started to play the game, everyone was confident they would survive without him.
my belief is that it took all the coaching and pushing MM could do to get bert to buy-in to his system culminating in the 2007 season when bert finally played fantastic for MM. after the way the season ended with shivering bert and yet another ill-advised INT, I firmly believe MM was done with him when MM knew he had AR sitting right there. but I do believe TT could also see that it was time. and they both probably had this conversation with bert prior to his retirement announcement ... and they STILL left the door open for him. but once bert missed all the offseason OTAs and practices, the train had indeed left the station.

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