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To be fair, after taxes and stuff I'm sure it's closer to $50 million - no wonder why he's struggling.

This line was amazing - the starter rate of 15% is insane but then it jumped to 23% after missing a payment.  

Peterson also took out a separate $4 million loan in April 2016 that he's being sued over. According to court records obtained by the Baltimore Business Journal, Peterson missed the first payment on the loan, which caused the interest rate to jump from 15 percent to 23 percent.

Too late now but a good financial adviser might have been handy.


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Goldie posted:

Money management SHOULD BE TAUGHT IN HIGH SCHOOL.  Just saying....... not all “future” sport stars will listen, but, IT AT LEAST SHOULD OFFERED.  JMHO.  

It is. He could have taken any number of basic economics classes, but I would guess he never actually paid attention in any class he ever took. I'd actually like to know what courses he took at Oklahoma. 

He has one life skill and that's to run with a football. He never bothered to even try to improve anything else about himself, even though he had unlimited resources. 

AP is the type of guy that cares about AP only. He had a 2 year old son THAT HE NEVER BOTHERED TO MEET get beat to death by one of his baby mama's boyfriends. He has AT LEAST 9 kids by multiple women. You could maybe understand having an unplanned pregnancy once, but after about the 4th time you think you'd learn. The thing is that he just figures someone else will figure out how to take care of any problems he gets into as long as they can hand him a football and he can run through some guys. 

Tschmack posted:

What’s sad is he will be broke - literally and figuratively- when he decides to hang it up.  


He deserves what he gets. The NFL does use up guys on the field and spits them out, but they get access to financial literacy training as rookies. Heck, the NFL has a 401K program in which both the team and the league match what a guy puts in. They also run a financial camp every summer.


Goldie posted:

Money management SHOULD BE TAUGHT IN HIGH SCHOOL.  Just saying....... not all “future” sport stars will listen, but, IT AT LEAST SHOULD OFFERED.  JMHO.  

I'm a high school teacher. Their interest is MINIMAL at that time in their life. I've tried. I've also seen so many people who earn nothing during their lifetime but they save and invest and get rich, and others who earn millions who end up with nothing. Unable to defer ANY gratification.

Things have been quiet in the Viking Sucks thread since my last post.  Think BPSA gave up and went home?  I have plenty more material. 

BTW, I was a HS teacher in a distant past as well.  I taught my kids about finances early.  When they got old enough to go to the store with a wish list, we gave them some simple jobs and an allowance - if they did the work.  At the same time we also gave them a small list of things they would now need to provide for themselves.  Starting out they thought it was cool.  It wasn't long and they realized that they could not get everything on their wish list.  So then I got to show them how to budget and plan to get things they wanted.  And we showed them how that worked for us.  For sure there were protests of "it sucks to grow up" - or things like that.  Today I have five employed adults with jobs, spouses, and kids - who are also very frugal with money.  This is easier to do at home, but very difficult to do in a class setting.  And maybe it needs to start at home. 

MichiganPacker2 posted:
Goldie posted:

Money management SHOULD BE TAUGHT IN HIGH SCHOOL.  Just saying....... not all “future” sport stars will listen, but, IT AT LEAST SHOULD OFFERED.  JMHO.  

It is. He could have taken any number of basic economics classes, but I would guess he never actually paid attention in any class he ever took. I'd actually like to know what courses he took at Oklahoma. 

He has one life skill and that's to run with a football. He never bothered to even try to improve anything else about himself, even though he had unlimited resources. 

AP is the type of guy that cares about AP only. He had a 2 year old son THAT HE NEVER BOTHERED TO MEET get beat to death by one of his baby mama's boyfriends. He has AT LEAST 9 kids by multiple women. You could maybe understand having an unplanned pregnancy once, but after about the 4th time you think you'd learn. The thing is that he just figures someone else will figure out how to take care of any problems he gets into as long as they can hand him a football and he can run through some guys. 

Oh I would bet that at Oklahoma what courses he took and how often he attended class was ummm not stellar.  As others have said the NFL gives you a lot of information, classes, and syposiums to learn about what life in the NFL off and on the field will be like.  But, if a player chooses not to listen to advice shame on them and I have little sympathy.

The thing that kills me about some of these athletes is having so many kids with a bunch of women.  Like you said Michigan after about four oops kids you would think that one would think to themselves "maybe I should make sure that doesn't happen again".  To me there just isn't an excuse for that.

And think about it for a second.  I am divorced and have one ex can you imagine having about 5 ex wives/baby momma's to deal with?  NO THANKS.  That right there should make a person think that it needs to stop.

The Heckler posted:
MichiganPacker2 posted:
Goldie posted:

Money management SHOULD BE TAUGHT IN HIGH SCHOOL.  Just saying....... not all “future” sport stars will listen, but, IT AT LEAST SHOULD OFFERED.  JMHO.  

It is. He could have taken any number of basic economics classes, but I would guess he never actually paid attention in any class he ever took. I'd actually like to know what courses he took at Oklahoma. 

He has one life skill and that's to run with a football. He never bothered to even try to improve anything else about himself, even though he had unlimited resources. 

AP is the type of guy that cares about AP only. He had a 2 year old son THAT HE NEVER BOTHERED TO MEET get beat to death by one of his baby mama's boyfriends. He has AT LEAST 9 kids by multiple women. You could maybe understand having an unplanned pregnancy once, but after about the 4th time you think you'd learn. The thing is that he just figures someone else will figure out how to take care of any problems he gets into as long as they can hand him a football and he can run through some guys. 

Oh I would bet that at Oklahoma what courses he took and how often he attended class was ummm not stellar.  As others have said the NFL gives you a lot of information, classes, and syposiums to learn about what life in the NFL off and on the field will be like.  But, if a player chooses not to listen to advice shame on them and I have little sympathy.

The thing that kills me about some of these athletes is having so many kids with a bunch of women.  Like you said Michigan after about four oops kids you would think that one would think to themselves "maybe I should make sure that doesn't happen again".  To me there just isn't an excuse for that.

And think about it for a second.  I am divorced and have one ex can you imagine having about 5 ex wives/baby momma's to deal with?  NO THANKS.  That right there should make a person think that it needs to stop.

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Hard to feel bad for him but it's still sad.  My big question is how these guys go so deep into debt.  A mortgage is one thing but why are these guys taking on debt when they're making seven figures each year?  Makes no sense to me why/how they take on 20%+ interest debt.  What are they buying that they can't afford with their salary?  

Tyler Polumbus was a OT here in Denver and he told the story of the NFL 401K, where the NFL matches you 100% up to the max which is unheard of in the business world (companies usually do up to 3-6% match).  He said almost no players took advantage of it.  It's literally free money, all you had to do was save for the future but only a few players did it.  NFL does enough IMO to help these guys but it's not their job to train them to function in the financial world.  

The one scenario where I sort of could feel sorry for him would be if he had a financial advisor he trusted who took his money and blew it on silly investments that fell on their face.  Supposedly that's what has happened with guys like Mark Brunell and others that blew large sums of money. 

That said, just the fact that he's got 9 kids with a number of different woman is a sign that this is a guy who is completely irresponsible and probably wouldn't listen to anyone who told him to save some money for the future, etc.  He may have made 100 million, but if he has to split that up with 9 kids and a bunch of baby mamas wanting a cut for child support, that 100 million can get depleted very very quickly if you're not completely ready to handle it which he clearly wasn't. 

No way I ever feel bad for these guys that have been paid tens of millions of dollars and wind up broke. They have had opportunities in life that very few people have a chance at, including a free college education.
If they're too stupid to understand basic concepts of money management, that's just too bad.
Maybe if Peterson had worked as hard at that as he did birthday party planning, he wouldn't be in the position he is in.

I won't even start on the stupidity of being a "baby daddy", much less one with 9 kids.

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