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Apologies if this article was already discussed don't remember seeing it anywhere.

Big gain: Packers' Green learned a lot studying Benson

by Tom Silverstein on Wednesday, October 17th, 2012

...Out of the shotgun formation, Green got the handoff and followed pulling guard T.J. Lang off right tackle. He looked for an open lane to either side of Lang before deciding it was not yet time to commit left or right.

Green stuck out his arm to let Lang know he was on his tail and then marched with him for 5 yards before finally working off the block and gaining another 4 yards to the left.

Turn on the tape from the week before and you would see Benson doing the exact same thing on a different running play, sticking tight to the guard while pumping his legs and milking every yard he could out of the run.

"He does a great job of that," Green said . "That's something I learned from him a little bit, just get behind the blockers and let them pave the way. Make the reads from there. Have the defense play those guys and I'll go the opposite way.

"Keep moving forward and always fall forward and get positive yards."

The biggest difference between Green and any back the Packers have had since Ahman Green is his home run ability. Ryan Grant showed a little of it in his first couple of years, but unlike Grant, Alex Green can change directions in a hurry.continue
Another excellent article from the consistently excellent Tom Silverstein. Quotes from Lang, Bulaga, OC Tom Clements, and more from Green himself. Well worth the click.
Originally posted by Hungry5:
Video of the Quarless injury... watch or not.

He planted on his right foot/leg while trying to cut back left when the NYG player was coming from his left and pushed Quarless to the right. The blocker was not so much on AQs back as he was essentially impeding the direction that Quarless was trying to take.

Yikes! Almost as gruesome as Willis McGahee's!
Born in La Crosse. grew up in Wisco during the 70's and 80's.
came to Germany...errrr Germany/Iraq in 1990. Had a "blast" in Iraq in 90-91. Combat Engineer... we like blowing things up......
saw all 3 parts... also spent over 17 months of my life in Bosnia and a good 6 months in Macedonia...
been in europe since '90...

I miss Crunchy Cheetos!!!!!!!!!!!!
even though they make your fingers and crap orange........
Tuesdays With McCarthy

What are your thoughts on Alex Green carrying the ball 22 times on Sunday?

Mike McCarthy: I loved it. Anytime you can get your running back into a rhythm, it helps your offense. I would classify a rhythm as attaining 18 or more carries. It’s no different with a quarterback. If you want a quarterback to really be productive in the passing game, you have to give him close to 28, or more, opportunities per game. For young players, particularly those that handle the football, those are the numbers that I’ve always paid the most attention to.continue
There's a bunch more past the click including; the keys to the Houston Win, the ILB situation, Casey Hayward, the challenges ahead, and whether he likes playing in domes.

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