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I still love you because you make me laugh


But the stadium beat-down videos are really getting to me ( too many of them)

I won't go anywhere but Lambeau anymore; kinda sad after seeing the Packers in so many different stadia over the years

Football games are beginning to look more like futbal games. Sad commentary -- and social media fuels it -- when fans fight for stupid reasons. I agree, Satori. I only go to Lambeau and if the day ever comes when opposing fans can't come to Lambeau in their team's jersey because they fear getting beat up, then it might be time to retire to my TV for good. 

what a craphole of a stadium that jerruh world is.  I'd be ashamed to sell seats that suck that much.  and then it's full of sickening cowgirls fans....  all those player jerseys in the stands... I've come full circle at Lambeau.  Used to believe if you weren't decked out in green and gold what kind of fan are you?  Now it doesn't matter one bit what I wear to a game altho I always have a GBP hat on.

It is a real **** hole Tdog. I was at the first MNF game there. With great seats too on the 45 yd line, lower level. I counted 12 levels going up. An unbelievable, vast **** hole.


Even the crappers are big in Texas. And that is what it is.

It's kind of amazing that the Cowboys are still talked about nationally like they are actually relevant when they've basically had 20 years of futility with an OK season here or there.

The Cowboys of the '70s and into the early '80s, yeah it was easy to hate them because they were so powerful, but you respected them because Tom Landry and Roger Staubach were the kind of guys who you admired even though they were a rival.

Jerry Jones for as successful as he started out thanks to Jimmy Johnson, has turned the Cowboys into a 20 year circus.   I suppose that's kind of why they are still "relevant", they're like the car accident scene you can't take your eyes off of.

Maybe the coolest thing ever about the Cowboys and their new stadium is that YouTube video of the runaway cart at Jerry World.  I think I watched that video like 30 times and laughed harder each time I saw it. 

I also think it is amazing that they are covered so much these days.  Like you said back in the 70's, early 80's I hated them with a passion but you had to respect them for doing things the right way.  Since then? I don't think Jerry really cares about doing it the right way he just wants to whatever he can to print money.





Those Cowboys teams of the '70s and '80s, many of those guys were wild coked out partiers, but Staubach and Landry were sort of the bastions of integrity that people looked up to.

I always remember reading the bio of Thomas "Hollywood" Henderson which shed some light on the wild partying group the Cowboys and what they were into back during those times.  The movie "North Dallas 40" is also based loosely on the Cowboys teams from even earlier than that. 

If nothing else, as wild as those Dallas guys from the '70s were, they won a lot of football games and won a couple of World Titles in the process.  These Cowboys teams of the 2000s have been wild but losers on and off the field. 

The Heckler posted:

I don't think Jerry really cares about doing it the right way he just wants to whatever he can to print money.

He works that dumdum fan base like a master puppeteer

On another ( lesser) board I read the following statement from a Cowboy fan

" If Dez doesn't bobble the catch at GB, we're in the Super Bowl"

In the mind of the cowboy fan, making the catch= guaranteed win at GB, guaranteed win at Seattle and a guaranteed trip to the SB. Taking money from such imbeciles isn't difficult....

Jerruh will always win the Revenue Bowl and that's the only one he's capable of winning. Good businessman, lousy at football. Let's hope he never retires and that when he does, he hands it over to his idiot son(s)

Satori posted:

On another ( lesser) board I read the following statement from a Cowboy fan

" If Dez doesn't bobble the catch at GB, we're in the Super Bowl"

Well, at least that fan finally can admit it wasn't a catch.

I am only bothering to write this because the Cowboys were mentioned as a real good team in the 70's and 80's, I think 3 or 4 times.

Man, what about the late 60's?  They gave the mighty Lombardi Packers some seriously competitive football in 66 and 67.

Last edited by phaedrus
Satori posted:

On another ( lesser) board I read the following statement from a Cowboy fan

" If Dez doesn't bobble the catch at GB, we're in the Super Bowl"


STFU Dallas fans.

First off, regardless of the Bryant call, the Packers had to kill off 4:42 in the game.  And, Dallas still had 2 timeouts.  There was an eternity left in the game after the Bryant call.  This wasn't 3 kneel downs and game over.  Dallas had plenty of time and opportunity to force the Packers to punt.  Fact is, they didn't.  Twice they had GB in 3rd down situations, once with 2:36 (3rd and 4) and once coming out of the 2 minute warning where it was 3rd and 11.  Neither time could the Dallas D get off the field.  Even if you got screwed, you had plenty of time to get the ball back and drive the field.  

STFU Dallas fans.

But, fine.  Let's say they do score the touchdown.  Now it's 27-26 Dallas, and they go for 2.  Let's say they make it, now's it's 29-26 Dallas. And then they kickoff to Green Bay.  With 4:42 left in the game.  Needing a FG to tie and a TD to take the lead.  

Keep in mind, the 3 previous drives Green Bay had the ball before running out the clock they went FG, TD, TD.  That Dallas D had not stopped the Packers the last 3 drives.  To assume GB doesn't at minimum drive into FG range is lunacy.  You couldn't stop them after the Bryant play, why would you have stopped them had you scored.

STFU Dallas fans.

Bryant didn't catch the ball.  But, even if Bryant caught it. And even if they converted a 2 pt conversion. Their D has to prevent the Packers from scoring with plenty of time left. Which they didn't the 3 previous drives and they didn't when GB had to kill 4:42 with Dallas having 2 TO as well.

STFU Dallas fans.

Last edited by Timpranillo

But, fine.  Let's say they do score the touchdown.  Now it's 27-26 Dallas, and they go for 2.  Let's say they make it, now's it's 29-26 Dallas. And then they kickoff to Green Bay.  With 4:42 left in the game.  Needing a FG to tie and a TD to take the lead.  

Rodgers is not clutch so they would not have come back - Skippy

Did that boat in H5's post actually make it across the river?  Overcrowded boat, bad leadership, and misuse of the oars are just three of their issues.  If they bobble the oars like Dez did the famous no catch, they probably lose the oars shortly after leaving shore.  They would then be adrift and sure to go over the falls a little down stream.  It is amazing they can get themselves together to play the next weekend. 

I hope Jerruh goes strong for about 10 more years. By then Stephen will have fallen into the same mode as pops and believe he knows football talent better than, you know, real football people.

ChilliJon posted:

Jerry got himself a new helicopter. Why do rich businessmen get helicopters?

That reminds me of the old saw about LBJ. As the story goes the President had flown to South Vietnam to see the troops. 

As he was exiting Air Force One, the BG or Colonel or whoever was escorting him on the crowded military flight ramp said "Mr. President, your helicopter is over here."

Lyndon looks the officer up and down, pauses, and then says:

"Son, they're all my helicopters"

Jeebus, these guys always have some kinda bullchit story they tell the cops.
It's never theirs, it belongs to somebody else, and/or somebody must've put it there.

Last edited by Timmy!

The other brilliant thing is drinking then getting behind the wheel of a vehicle.

If me & my wife know how to punch up the Uber app, why doesn't a guy making millions?

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