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Awwwwwww, such a good boy,  


It's a Cinderella story for Hank, the Brewers dog. He's been named Dog of the Year.

The spiffed-up former stray was crowned leader of the popular pack at The CW Network's World Dog Awards. The ceremony was held in Los Angeles Saturday but wasn't televised until Thursday night.

Paris Hilton presented Hank with his Golden Hydrant prize.

Pause. Let that sink in.

Fans voted online for Dog of the Year. Dogs were honored in categories ranging from heroic feats to "most pawpular." Regular pups like Hank went nose-to-nose with celebrity dogs such as Stella from television's "Modern Family."

Hank was honored as Dog of the Year for his impact on pop culture in 2014. The tuxedo-clad ballpark pup walked the green carpet before the show, held at the Barker Hangar in Los Angeles.

He was one of five finalists, and was elected by voters at The CW Network website.

Hank won hearts and media attention after he first appeared as a stray at the Milwaukee Brewers' spring training in Arizona last February. The scruffy pup with a tire track on his back became a fixture at the Arizona camp and at ballgames. The Brewers then partnered with the Wisconsin Humane Society, which receives 20% of retail sales of popular Hank T-shirts and other Hank-related gear.


Hank the Brewers dog wins top prize at World Dog Awards

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