Looking forward to the witty banter. In addition to videos, pms, spellinf and math, I can't post surveys or polls. I will weed through the ensuing hilarity and settle this bet per dr. Tyson.
Who is better right now, Dalton or Newton?
Looking forward to the witty banter. In addition to videos, pms, spellinf and math, I can't post surveys or polls. I will weed through the ensuing hilarity and settle this bet per dr. Tyson.
Who is better right now, Dalton or Newton?
Replies sorted oldest to newest
The Ginger or the Thief/Liar/Cheat?
It's a tie.
Looking forward to the witty banter. In addition to videos, pms, spellinf and math, I can't post surveys or polls.
PM me and I'll help you with those topics.
Dalton's pioneering research in atomic theory, and his seminal work in color blindness, (which bears his name), are both quite impressive.
But c'mon man, Dalton isn't fit to carry Newton's jockstrap.
PM: I have mostly Bermuda grass. Mexican or Cuban workers?
For the mowing or the smoking?
Important distinction.
antoo, you're in the wrong thread. You want the oppenheimer or teller thread.
I think Newton quotes Nietzsche regularly.
Newton couldn't hold Ray's jock-strap, bub.
Both are heavily flawed with little evidence to think improvement is just around the corner. I have no issues with contracts they were given however. You people don't understand how easy it is to throw interceptions in our this league.
Mattolinay Kaeputleryan-Acco.
"You people" is trade-marked, sir.
Not in fictitious third person hypotheticals. It's posted in the movie thread. Go look it up. We both know you won't.
How this got two thumbs up is beyond me:
Please contact Kiel's accountant, Javier, to make payment.
This seems like the appropriate thread for this question:
In the debate about whether Schrödinger's cat is dead or alive, it is presumed that the cat is BOTH dead and alive until someone actually looks in the box. But given that a cat has consciousness, isn't the answer already determined by the cat's own observation? On a similar note, who is Andy Dalton?
Screw that question.
How do you type that little dot-dot thingy above the o? It would be cool if I could do that in all my correspondence.
Cats have 9 lives. That sheds light on this:
Eventually, X4 makes sense of everything.
I hate you people.
So by the transitive properties Newton has won a Superbowl because he molested Schrödingers cat?
Pretty sure that's called an oomlout.
My great grandmother was one of the first Oomlout to settle Appalachian.
Too many white people on this board. Sigh!
I döubt yöur störy.
Azzhole show-offs.
Yöu peöple is not trademarked, correct? Sörry, cörrect?
Is this turning into an apple thing? I mean just check nasdaq, apple is toast.
This does help me take my mind off Rodgers interception problem.
Less than 1 page for Oomlauts to take the lead over Ginger and Five Finger Discount.
Hey guys, what are you guys.......
This seems like the appropriate thread for this question:
In the debate about whether Schrödinger's cat is dead or alive, it is presumed that the cat is BOTH dead and alive until someone actually looks in the box. But given that a cat has consciousness, isn't the answer already determined by the cat's own observation?
That's actually the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Dr. Bob, which states that you cannot observe something that is invisible without first disturbing it.
In Kiel terms this means that the cock-a-roaches all scurry when you turn on the lights: ergo you never know what cock-a-roaches do in the dark or whether a cat can be self-aware
Also, there is the Mr. Peabody Dogma which states there are only 2 types of cats in this world:
Dead Cats and soon-to-be Dead Catts
Is this turning into an apple thing? I mean just check nasdaq, apple is toast.
Scott Walker?
Scott Walker doesn't like Oomlauts or people who say BBBRRRAAKKKK when they belch
Don't prank me bro'.
Scotty needs to learn how to order a Philly cheesesteak.
Kiel getting manscaped up to start the season right.
bunch of pencil necked geeks in this thread who think they knows to much about stuff and things.
The Hitler cat gif was pretty funny though