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Saints fans will be all up in arms about it tho. They will try to figure out how Brees really did break the record but that the NFL does not recognize it because Brees had the flu during several of his early career games and they should not count. Also they will interject that the only reason Rodgers has the record is because he takes sacks instead of throwing an interception. (they fail to realize that 3rd and 15 for the Packers with Rodgers as QB is better than first and ten for the other team)
Not fair


Rodgers' explanation:

"There was about 3:45 left on the clock and it was third-and-long. Third-and-9 there. We had just had a negative run. We had ran two plays. We got the call in and there was a little bit of confusion and I couldn’t exactly hear just what the call was.

"I said, 'Hey let's line up and I am going to just try to run the clock down and see if they jump. But if they jump, let's get open.' We are in our empty shotgun formation and I did my leg kick a couple times and they ended up jumping. But it wasn't a major jump so my immediate reaction was, … 'Did they throw the flag or not?'

"I couldn't tell if there was a flag going up on my right. I figured the guy on left wasn't. I peeked to the right, but I couldn't tell if a flag had been thrown and then my next feeling was that the left side of the line had kind of collapsed. I moved to my left. As I moved left, my first thought was I might be able to run this one for a first down. My calf was feeling pretty good at this point in the game and I knew at bare minimum I could stay in bounds and a field goal gets it to a 10-point game even if I just get five yards."

The fact that teams are now game planning for this when going against the Packers can't be understated. For an OL who has had issues pass blocking, even a split second extra for AR to read and throw is huge.

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