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Hello everyone. My dad (AntiWorst) has, I'm sure, been starting arguments here for several years now. I thought I would get involved, and I look forward to having a forum for good Packer conversation this season. Everything I know I learned from my dad, but I have developed my own brand of sarcasm and humor over the years, and I'm looking forward to flexing my intellectual muscle. I'm just kidding. In all seriousness, as someone who is smack dab in the middle of Bear country, I'm just glad to have a place for intelligent, entertaining Packer talk. Thanks to the admins for the approval. Lets do it. Go Pack Go!!!
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ammo FTW.

Ha, yeah I didn't even consider that. I have been using it as a username for pretty much everything for the last few years. If it helps,(spoiler) the bear turns out to be completely fake and dies of gunshots and disease.
Good ole' uncle Kworst. Always a crack up at the family get togethers. Sorry though uncle K, you're no longer welcome at the reunions after last year's meltdown. You can go Antonio Dingle's reunion.
Originally posted by Shardik:
(Shar-Dick) Lol.

Its a literary reference. 2.5 points to the person who knows from where.

The Waste Lands.

Did you hear some movie studio is in negotiations to buy the rights to the Dark Tower series? Ron Howard is already on board to direct.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Fond Du Arrigo:

Did you hear some movie studio is in negotiations to buy the rights to the Dark Tower series? Ron Howard is already on board to direct[QUOTE]

Yeah I have been hearing abou this for over a year now. Last I read, Warner Bros. is on board, it would be a trilogy, with the movies bridged by an HBO series. Would be cool if they pulled it off, but I am not holding my breath.
I'd welcome you now, but I'm waiting with baited breath on what will most certainly be a transcendent post in the beisbol forum that will shower all of us with profundity.

I'll get back to you.
Originally posted by Fond Du Arrigo:

Did you hear some movie studio is in negotiations to buy the rights to the Dark Tower series? Ron Howard is already on board to direct.

Can you please take that conversation to the "Geek" forum please?

Welcome Shanderick (whatever)

Just remember, I've got your back.

Now you need to shave mine.
Originally posted by Shardik:
(Shar-Dick) Lol.

If you google Shardik you get directed to the King and Adams stories.

If you google Shar-Dick you get directed to Favre stories.
Look at all that hair I had as a youngster!!!

When that photo was taken, I was having trouble deciding if I wanted to play peek-a-boo or not. I remember, at first I thought I definately wanted to play, but then it seemed like not such a good idea. But, then, I remembered I really liked playing peek-a-boo.

Being a kid is hard.

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