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I am going home to Wisconsin in about a month, and will be turkey hunting with 2 of my brothers. One of them has a cabin in the Driftless area. If we get our birds, we hope to do some fly fishing in those streams. I live in Idaho and am addicted to fly fishing. But local knowedge is always best. Can you guys make suggestions? Otherwise, from the research I've done I'm anticipating: BWO's, Mother's Day Caddis, Little black caddis, Hendricksons, Hexes, streamers, buggers, ants, beetles, crickets, crayfish, etc. Many of those I already have, but I will have to tie up some flies for Hendricksons and those caddis species. But again, any suggestions would be sincerely appreciated, guys! Royal Wulff

HELP! I’m being held against my will. I only have a few seconds befor

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Been a long time for me in that area....when I lived in Madison I used to fish all the creeks in Sauk and Richland counties.....with a lot of success.  I would call or email the guys at  I just started Tenkara and they have been more than helpful, I am sure they would give you some tips as to flies, stream conditions, etc.  


Good luck

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