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+ HUGE win / Dom's defense / Wilson sucks

- Rodgers/Cobb/Cook injuries

All you non-believers.....That's right....keep right on NOT believing.....

6 Step program required

Step 1: Beat Eagles - COMPLETE!

Step 2: Beat Texans - COMPLETE!

Step 3: Beat Seahawks - COMPLETE!

Step 4: Beat Bears - _______________

Run the table - Hungry5

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It's been a while.

How many demons from 2014 did this game exorcise? Keeping a 16+ lead at half time, major playoff implications, even the TE recovers an onside kick?

Injuries all suck, but it's part of the game. Happy for McCarthy and the boys. You can never seem to count this team out.

Sorry Bad Bob, this was a "signature win". Period.

We didn't beat Seattle. WE KICKED THEIR ASS.

Datone Jones looked like a 1st round pick today.

Lowry is getting better and better.

Dam Randall found his swag.

I'm eating a full humble pie - no way I would've predicted this beat down and flat out ass kicking.  All the JSO staff picked SEA to win today.

This run, though not done, has been amazing and I pledge to not be a Kworst doubter again.

+ Monty, 12, Dom, Jordy, pass pressure and pursuit, Secondary, the water boy - the whole friggin team - this team showing major Nads and showing up when it matters (with attitude)

- Monty's shoulder?, Arod's wheel

EDIT: Boris, my hush money has been deposited in your Swiss bank account 

Last edited by gbIdaho

Good win, but I'm still a bit of a cynic.

It's more than a 6 step plan. The Packers still don't control their own destiny. And that's just to make the playoffs. On the bright side in the NFC, only Dallas is clearly a cut above us, and they are hardly invincible.

Seeing Russell, Pete, and the rest of those plague-birds kicked around is certainly cathartic though.


+ Janis!

Few takeaways.

1) If this season teaches us anything, it is that Rodgers plays better hurt.  McStupidface needs to assign Janis! to sweep the leg during warmups.  

B) Wilson just threw another pick

iii) Dom Capers sucks.  Good thing players made plays.  

Here's a minus. Tried to watch the start of the first quarter on my Sunday Ticket Max streaming BS, can't get the video until after midnight. Freakin' bastards chisel you every which way. I guess I need to buy "NFL Game Pass" if I want video of games that just ended

Wowsers!  That looked like a different team out there today.  I liked the attitude and enthusiasm out there.  Let's keep it up for the final 3 games.

Wasn't it great to see us get 6 turnovers?  I was beginning to think those days were long gone.  Glad to see some good ballhawking out there!  Still a little nervous about that Minnuhsoohhtah game, although I hear they are tanking.


Montgomery as RB and all-around utility guy

Rodgers...great QB...truly a GREAT QB



Adams for as bad as he was last year, he is twice as good this year

Oline: stalwart protection


LBs: Ryan, Peppers, Matthews, Jones

DBs: playing alert and with enthusiasm and pride

Schrum punts

MM playcalling

Lawry gets another sack



Crosby misses the FG

Christine Michael makes a good run for 8 yards and then heads back to the huddle and slaps hands with the Seattle D...on 4th and 1 Christine Michael gets stopped by Chancellor and then bounces up and gives Chancellor a high-hug for making the tackle, what the....???






packerboi posted:

Aaron Rodgers "Hurt my calf on the 1st 3rd down of the game. But I'm not going to miss a game." Looked pretty happy in his post-game interview. Dude is a tough Mo' Fo'.

On the Adams TD. Then played the game with a hurt calf and a wounded hammy. 

I think it was McCarthy's Wednesday presser when they were 4-6 and he commented something to the effect that "I like it when people are not happy with us".




Run the Table

Last edited by H5

A rare sighting for a Capers D...his unit came out and punched this Seattle team right in the mouth and then proceeded with a kick right in the baby maker. Kudos to him and that unit.

This Packers team wasn't taking any shi* today and that was a beautiful sight to see today.

+  Monty

ARod's accuracy!

Passion--entire team

Ball hawking defense

Shutting Down the Chickens of the Sea

Showing the league just in time for the playoffs that they do not want to play us on the frozen Tundra!   Make it look like the place where teams go to die!

Fantastic OL play!

Stout run defense for most of the game, too.  Where's that been all year?

Did anyone else think, "Jordy's back!"  ?    He didn't look 100% for some games, but he sure looked good today!

P.T. For Hundley.  Smart.

-  Cook's injured again.  Is he made of glass?  Is he worth trying to sign to another contract?  This year has been a lot of teases with few payoffs.

Running Cobb from the backfield.  Cripes, he's a great receiver, has the most reliable hands for punt returns ... Why expose him unnecessarily when you have Monty, Michael, Rip and Starks back there already?   Foolish!


Maybe it's been mentioned already but Seattle losing Earl Thomas is huge.  He is the modern day Nick Collins - a 4.4 -40 guy that can cover receivers and play center field as good as anyone. 

We saw this today as good as Chancellor is in run support and as an enforcer he can't cover like Thomas and that pass D had issues. 

Why this becomes important is despite the Cowboys gaudy record they are this years Carolina.  They can be beat.  Seattle is or was the team to beat in the NFC but not anymore with the Thomas injury. 

This should give GB a lot of hope and confidence.  I loved seeing Rollins and Randall step up today as that (DB) is their weakness.  That's the swag I expected all season. 

Look out NFC 

+++ 6 turnovers!  Our defense was tremendous! We didn't let the Seahags score just before the half; Dean Lowry can play!; DickRod looked good on both the onside kick and the play where he got shellacked and drew a Seattle penalty all while completing the catch.; Jordy and Davante were stellar!; Janis's new role with the reverse and the TD.;  It's fun when everything clicks! A huge must-win at Lambeau! Run the table!

- - - ARod's calf injury and hamstring; Cook's chest injury; Sherman's cheap shot on Davante; Hundley's play.(Negative yards rushing and 0-2 passing). I hope ARod stays relatively healthy!

Last edited by mrtundra
excalibur posted:

All +++++++, outside of injuries.

Bingo, positives to the infinity.

I was scared to death to watch the 2nd half with the Pack holding an 18 point lead.  Seems like the Hawks get all the breaks in their stadium, and today all the bounces went the Packers way.   Nice to see those SOBs be miserable at least for 1 day.  That 18 point lead was more than safe today.  Thank you Richard Rodgers for properly fielding an onside kick.




+ most impressive performance of the season, all three phases did their part

- only negative was fox/Sunday ticket prevented me from reveling in every moment

This is the team I've waited to see all yr. Get healthy,get some help and keep this rollin.

+++ A great team win. Glad to finally see it, and makes me think that MM hasn't lost his touch yet. It appears he's reined in AR, who's back to playing like Superman. Michael adds a new dimension to the backfield. Jordy back to Jordy, while Adams is still on a roll. Lowry, Ringo, Clark, young DL will be a plus for several years.

--- Injuries. AR's is most worrisome. 

+-+-+- This team has discovered itself. I only hope it's not too late...


packerboi posted:
4 Favre posted:

+ Janis!

Just maybe, the Packers have figured out the right way to use Janis! 2 weeks in a row, against good defenses, he's been dynamic in those jet sweeps.

This. They had to know it was coming after last week, but with good blocking he gets yardage...

Did anyone else hear Buck or Troy  say that Aaron got his groove back because the plays are less complicated due to all the injuries??  Is that why the offense is clicking better??  Did anyone else hear that??

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