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Bielema is an as$hole, but is a far better coach than Andersen.  Andersen is a nice guy and a good players' coach. Let's find a new a-hole, as next year is looking nasty without Gordon.  Who gives a sh!t about whatever crap-joke bowl game they're in come late December. Maybe Mcwhatever can lead the veer in a Don Morton offense next year. Can't wait.

The one thing that you can totally place on GAs shoulders is the McEvoy disaster.   The guy can't throw but he was convinced come hell or high water to make it work instead of having him remain at safety where he actually played OK.

I just don't know about the guy and if he's the best fit.  He didn't have them ready last year against Penn State or in the bowl game, he completely blew it in the LSU game, and now 59-0 in the most important game they've had in his 2 years in Madison.

I guess we'll have to see what the bowl game brings but in all of my years watching the Badgers I have not seen anything like that in terms of their performance as a team.  It was 59-0 but it seemed like Ohio State could have won 100-0 if they wanted
Originally Posted by kcpuck:

If Stave is the starter next year GA should be fired.


You'd rather McEsuck? That was part of the problem to begin with. That spread, running QB crap doesn't get you anywhere without a blue chipper. GA wants one, but he needs to get that crap out of his head. WI gets horse linemen and stud backs, work with that. Get a pro-style QB, get some decent receivers over 5'2" and get some damned d-backs with a little awareness.

I am sure Ohio State put in the game tape of the Iowa and Minnesota games and said if we can pass block we can complete passes downfield and if we can stack the box and defend Gordon our athletes can defend a non-existent passing game and that's all she wrote.   Wisconsin can get away with their "formula" against the Gophs and Hawks but against teams with athletes and speed they have no chance until they can find a QB and WRs that can at least make you honor the passing game and also find some DBs that are bigger than 5'9" that can also run.  Right now the Badgers have neither.

They are now a full 2 years into the Anderson era and at some point his recruits need to step forward and perform.   All we have is time.

I don't totally buy the tallant disparity.  Athletes make plays and we didn't have enough.  But Stave/McE could have made this game a toss up if they were the QB's for OSU.  

How OSU has 3 options at QB while we have a minus 10 with all the effort we put into the rest of the team says we need a quarterback coach.


Between Duke and OSU it has been a tough week.  MM and Co need to step up Monday night.

Is there a QB on the roster?  


Can they turn McEvoy into a WR/TE?


Can they get a little more beef on the DL for rotations?


Can the CB's recover from neck fusion?


Can the young WR's start to produce?


I know transitioning programs is always complicated, but what was Bret going to do with this QB/WR combo he recruited?  I don't remember that many decommits when Bielema left, but maybe there were more than I recall.  Did he also not bother to recruit a punter?  


Obviously you will not replace MGIII, but I think Clement is going to play on Sunday's too.  

If you think there isn't a talent difference I would recommend watching the Michigan State v Ohio State game from earlier this year.   The Bucks made a number of big plays with their skill players against a very tough and technically sound Spartans defense. 

Or watch their game against Minnesota or even Michigan.   Ohio State had several explosive plays where it looked like MN or UM defenders were stuck in quicksand. 

Meyer said he was bringing an SEC style game to the Big Ten and they are loaded.  It's going to be tough for teams to compete with them unless other teams pick it up a notch and recruiting is one place to start.

As for Wisconsin they cannot ignore the QB position any longer.  Sure, you can win 9 or 10 games without one but Gordon is a once a decade talent and we all saw what a guy like Russell Wilson can do to elevate the program.  Not saying they need someone that good but I doubt Stave or McEvoy would even be a backup on a really good program.
Originally Posted by Tschmack:

They are now a full 2 years into the Anderson era and at some point his recruits need to step forward and perform.   All we have is time.

Two years into Andersen's coaching but really 0 years of his recruits. He really had no time to bring in his kind guys after being named coach in early 2013. And his recruits from 2014 are still freshmen.  But we better see some improvement in athletes next season or Wisconsin football may go back to what it was before Barry arrived. 

Not to make excuses for Stave and McEvoy but Wisconsin's collection of pass-catchers is nothing to write home about either.


The QB problems pretty much go back to Brissett flipping at the last minute and then Bart Houston turning out to be a colossal bust in the following class.  In retrospect, the Badgers should have recruited a second QB in 2012.


I think this coaching staff is excellent in terms of teaching/game planning/etc.  But it would be nice to see an upgrade in recruiting.  They can win 7 Big Ten games a year when playing unathletic, slow, slug teams like most of what the Big Ten is made up of today.  But against the big boys they are just going to get run off the field.  Unfortunately I think the Badgers settled for way too many MAC level players way too early in the process in this current recruiting class.  Hopefully I'm wrong and some of those players will turn out to be better than I am anticipating.


Last edited by PackerJoe
Originally Posted by PackerJoe:

Not to make excuses for Stave and McEvoy but Wisconsin's collection of pass-catchers is nothing to write home about either.


The QB problems pretty much go back to Brissett flipping at the last minute and then Bart Houston turning out to be a colossal bust in the following class.  In retrospect, the Badgers should have recruited a second QB in 2012.


I think this coaching staff is excellent in terms of teaching/game planning/etc.  But it would be nice to see an upgrade in recruiting.  They can win 7 Big Ten games a year when playing unathletic, slow, slug teams like most of what the Big Ten is made up of today.  But against the big boys they are just going to get run off the field.  Unfortunately I think the Badgers settled for way too many MAC level players way too early in the process in this current recruiting class.  Hopefully I'm wrong and some of those players will turn out to be better than I am anticipating.


What excellence did you see in game planning last nite?  I must have missed it.

The worst part about the QB play is that they are consistently playing against defenses that are putting 8 or 9 guys in the box. in many games, 10 or 11 guys are within 8 yards of the line of scrimmage. 


The WRs don't exactly inspire fear in anyone, but the QBs missed a lot of open receivers. Stave makes terrible Favrian-like throw back across the grain throws despite being a three year starter. McAvoy seemed to never get beyond the first read early in the year. there was very little evidence of improvement. That's coaching. 

The DBs NEVER looking back for a play on the ball is a HUGE eye opener for me ... A defensive head coach on-site for 2 yrs and in this day and age your DBs still do not look for a play on the ball when back is to the throw?
Bad coaching or has a different theory on that technique, either way IMO wrong decisions being made.
Also punting .... There are some great young punters in DII or DIII programs, decide on and go steal a young 1 with a scholarship. For eff sake, it cost them throughout the year.
Heck at WR position, go steal 1 off of smaller school roster. Cecil Shorts came off small school roster. Comb the country and get it done.
IMO, you do what you gotta do.

The last time the Badgers suffered a worse defeat than last night was 1890.  Yes -- 1890.  124 years ago.


They appeared surprised last night's game was scheduled -- even blowing the decision on winning the coin toss.


THE most embarrassing Badger football defeat in the lifetime of anyone alive on the planet, and local media barely is addressing the elephant in the room, namely the question -- how do you show up so unprepared?


The chancellor tweeted out that she was "proud" of the Badgers.  On what planet is a 59-point defeat something to celebrate?


They say high-level major sports in the NCAA is a "business." I'd love to know in what "business" setting would a performance like last night's result in people saying how "proud" they are of the organization.


Heads would roll.


When Brasil blew the semis in the World Cup they hosted, I believe heads rolled quite simply -- the coaches RESIGNED.


Last night's excruciatingly embarrassing 59-0 defeat easily tops the 1979 laugher (it was the same score, and the same opponent) because in 1979 the program was a joke.  The 1979 game also was not televised in prime time to the nation as a "championship" game.


There were no consequences to that performance then because it was a joke, right?  Fast-forward, 35  years later, to 2014:  no firings, no resignations, and a "ho-hum" Madison media response...what does that mean exactly?

Last edited by dudeman9000

I will spare everyone my fluff report from this game it was that aweful. 

I don't know how bad Stave looked on TV but let me tell you in person he was horrendous (and that is too nice of a word) He had receivers open but he would throw it in the ground or 5 yards behind a guy and that is being kind. For the life of me I do not understand not playing Houston at all. 

To me they looked outclassed and ill prepared in every aspect of the game.  I get that OSU has better talent across the board but man UW just looked lost in every way. 

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