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I can kind of see where McGinn is coming from. Not a lot of depth on the DL, but is losing Raji and Thornton that big of a concern? I don't care to look, but I'd bet McGinn was not that high on relying on the return of Raji for beefing up the DL and likely didn't think much of Thornton... now, those two pieces missing make the rest of the DL that much more valuable?



"Finding bigger, more physical players for their 53-man roster should be the overriding theme for what the Packers attempt to accomplish in the upcoming draft.


For too long, Dom Capers has been asked to operate with too-short defensive linemen. The Packers still need five-techniques stretching 6-4 or 6-5, but Jolly is a giant compared to the squatty likes of Ryan Pickett, Mike Daniels, Jerel Worthy and B.J. Raji"


Bob McGinn - April 2013. 


Everyone remember Bob posturing that GB needed to get bigger up front? Then GB went smaller / quicker. Daniels was squatty. Now he's ranked number 2 (which I actually agree with) but Bob is just blowing in the wind here. 

Raji will be missed dearly in base, I wouldn't minimize that hit too much. And its likely that loss forces GBs hand a bit in how much base 3-4 they play. But GB will play way more 2-4 and 2-5 than 3-4 so its not a death knell


Last year GB was only in base 25 % of the time....which means that GB had only 2 DL on the field for 75% of the plays on defense. They kept 5 DL and 11 LBs- that offers some hints doesn't it ?

They also put all of the LBs in the same room together, which offers some more hints about the plans for 2014 defense. ( interchangeable LBs that can move around the formation)


And they have Peppers, Perry, Neal who can all  play standing up or in a 3 point stance -  both inside and out. Lots of variety of looks using the same personnel, that way an offense doesn't know immediately what you are doing just based on who is out there. When Pickett, Jolly and Wilson lumbered onto the field, opponents knew exactly what they were getting


The change in DL also means you can do different things without having to sub - and that neuters the up- tempo offenses predicated on... keeping you from subbing.


Versatility up front married with versatility on the back end should give GB's opponents a tougher time on offense. Is Hyde playing slot corner or a strong safety ? Is Richardson a safety or an ILB ? Is Tramon playing outside or dropping into slot ?

Personnel doesn't have to dictate what defense you are playing anymore and I think that's just the next step in the evolution of the game. MM wants a defense that Rodgers would have a harder time dissecting and the use of hybrid players is what makes it all work


Originally Posted by Satori:

Raji will be missed dearly in base, I wouldn't minimize that hit too much. And its likely that loss forces GBs hand a bit in how much base 3-4 they play. But GB will play way more 2-4 and 2-5 than 3-4 so its not a death knell


Last year GB was only in base 25 % of the time....which means that GB had only 2 DL on the field for 75% of the plays on defense. They kept 5 DL and 11 LBs- that offers some hints doesn't it ?

They also put all of the LBs in the same room together, which offers some more hints about the plans for 2014 defense. ( interchangeable LBs that can move around the formation)


And they have Peppers, Perry, Neal who can all  play standing up or in a 3 point stance -  both inside and out. Lots of variety of looks using the same personnel, that way an offense doesn't know immediately what you are doing just based on who is out there. When Pickett, Jolly and Wilson lumbered onto the field, opponents knew exactly what they were getting


The change in DL also means you can do different things without having to sub - and that neuters the up- tempo offenses predicated on... keeping you from subbing.


Versatility up front married with versatility on the back end should give GB's opponents a tougher time on offense. Is Hyde playing slot corner or a strong safety ? Is Richardson a safety or an ILB ? Is Tramon playing outside or dropping into slot ?

Personnel doesn't have to dictate what defense you are playing anymore and I think that's just the next step in the evolution of the game. MM wants a defense that Rodgers would have a harder time dissecting and the use of hybrid players is what makes it all work


Satan:  We winning this bitch tomorrow night?

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