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The Heckler posted:

I honestly had to get onlne and look at the Bills depth chart to see who plays for them.  I have to admit I haven't watched a game the Bills have played in for years they are just one of those teams I know nothing about.  

Did you know Micah Hyde plays for them?

Yes, he made pro bowl last year.  Their safeties are solid and Tradavious White is a solid corner.   Jerry Hughes had big game rushing the passer vs Vikes. Online is weak and receivers are worst in league, Kelvin Benjamin has had the dropsies.  

Last edited by RochNyFan
The Heckler posted:

I honestly had to get onlne and look at the Bills depth chart to see who plays for them.  I have to admit I haven't watched a game the Bills have played in for years they are just one of those teams I know nothing about.  

Did you know Micah Hyde plays for them?

Looking forward to watching Jim Kelly throw to Andre Reed.

Ok, I've shared here before how the only two times I've made the trip from Rochester to Lambeau have turned out to be the games after Rodgers broke his collarbone.   This year I arranged to go to Bill's game so naturally I had a stroke when he was carted off during Bears game.  I wish he was totally healthy for this one, but at least I'm not laying out tix, airfare, rental car and hotel to see Seneca Wallace,  Scott Tolzien and Brett " Bazooka Joe" Hundley.  Wondered who else from this site will be at game?

ChilliJon posted:

Aaron Rodgers needs to practice with the team. If he cant then start Kizer. 

To think Rodgers can just roll up on Sunday and knock out the game plan with no reps is wrong. 

Rodgers is out at practice again today. This really, really  matters on game day. 

I first heard this argument on NFL Radio prior to the Redskins game. I scoffed then realized during that game how correct this argument is. I agree. Let's hope Rodgers proves us wrong!

10 things I'd like to see this week.

1. 15 touches for Aaron Jones. 20 would be even better but I think 15 should be the minimum. I don't care if it only nets 30 yards. At least they tried to get the ball to him. I do think that 15 would net 80 or more even with this Bills defense. Get another 5-10 touches for Jamal Williams. Give up on the Ty Montgomery thing already. 
2. More consistency from the defense. They have played well in at least 1/2 a game for the first 3 games. It's time to put together a 4 quarter effort. 
3. Someone besides Cobb on punt returns. Cobb is pretty good at this and sure handed but it's a high risk position to put him in and it seems like 90% of the time he's calling for a FC anyway. I'd like to see Alexander returning punts. I think he could be a poor mans Deion Sanders there. 
4. Someone besides Ty Montgomery on KO returns. He's too stiff. Valdes-Scantling should be returning kickoffs. 
5. Keep Rodgers in the 30's for drop back attempts. And keep his jersey clean. 
6. Get Tramon some snaps at safety. Get Josh Jones back on the active roster. Less Brice. 
7. Probably will get lost in the numbers game but it would be nice to see Jamon Moore active. 
8. How about a Mercedes Lewis sighting? See: running game
9. Nick Perry might be out with a concussion. Time for Reggie Gilbert to flash that preseason potential in a meaningful game. 
10. With Wilkerson out for the year Adams or Lowry need to step up and grab that open spot. 

Montgomery has actually been pretty productive with his snaps.  He's not as dynamic as Jones after the mesh point but he's had some big runs and passes out of the backfield.  He's more valuable as an WR/RB than pure RB but he poses matchup problems and has been cashing in.  You keep him involved in the O and the O will benefit.

I have been pounding sand for Marcedes to be mixed in with 2TE sets.  The only play I noticed him on last week was a complete wiff on a block that got AR sacked in the first half.  Hopefully just a glitch for him.  

Last edited by DH13

People need remember how many new elements there are on O on top of the fact AR isn't practicing.  We're used to seeing a proficient offense that typically has little change from year to year.  Only 2.5 of their WR's have any experience.  RB has been a shuffle since Lacy blowed up.  OL has had a lot of turnover.  Starting TE's are also new in town. 

I think the offense is still developing and there is a lot to be excited about.  Just have to find a way to hold their ground on the OL and work through the growing pains.

I expect a better game from the offense. Rodgers will actually practice more this week. Bulaga will probably play and Cobb won’t drop a dry ball. All three RBs will play and do well against a tough defense but the other Aaron will be the best. Our defense will be tested by the long ball. Teams have seen our weak point and will test it with a strong armed QB who also has the threat of running. I expect at least one RTP call...

But I really think we will do better,call me an optimist.

Last edited by PackerPatrick
GBFanForLife posted:

Alexander on punts? They have enough problems in the defensive backfield, don't need Alexander to get hurt.

Honestly I think Cobb would be a bigger loss than Alexander right now. Assuming that King's groin issue doesn't linger too much longer. If we are going to have a starter returning punts I'd rather have the younger fresher legs back there. 

Alexander and Valdes-Scantling. Make it happen, Zook! 

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