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Packdog posted:
Henry posted:


Seriously, I never got the going after a guy's appearance (unless you look like Opie or wear a dead badger on your head.  I'm criticizing the badger of course). 

Damn it Henry, I'm just home after having surgery, almost blew a stitch when I started laughing after reading this. 

I suggest fewer surgeries.

Last edited by Henry
Henry posted:
PackerPatrick posted:

I have already posted a positive comment on MM. It was included in a complaint about him. Both are true. He will be respected as a man and a coach in my book for some time. Loyalty and respect can be a rare and valuable thing. 

I am personally happy that I don’t have to read any more  posts about his physical appearance. Good grief, just imagine what people could write about any one of our posters appearance? And I put myself at the front of that ugly appearance line.

But then again, we do what we do.

Seriously, I never got the going after a guy's appearance (unless you look like Opie or wear a dead badger on your head.  I'm criticizing the badger of course).  There's plenty of other pertinent things to discuss.  Let's just stick with funny names that grinds on posters.  

I'm super hot btw.

I fat shame because I assume it's self inflicted 90% of the time.    If I didn't mind my diet and workout, I'd be 300 pounds like my dad.   His lazy ass had a triple bypass but still eats like crap.  Self inflicted. 

Yeah, it was tough to see MM get bigger by the season & think "how can he wear layers of clothes in 85 camp heat"? So many guys are lured into the whole "well I work out", but can't  resist eating like they did when they were 20 years old. Spending so much time at an NFL facility, where I am sure alluring food is available 24/7 does not help. 

Yes, give him the benefit of the doubt. The stress of having one of only 32 jobs in the world -- and where 31/32 are considered failures at the end of the year -- must be incredible. Of course, working out and managing weight is best, but if your weight/stress is too tough to control, I'd rather the coach overeat than overdrink or do drugs or abuse his wife and/or kids or kick his dog, etc.

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