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Great deal. I think TT is ahead of the curve when it comes to contracts. Players like the shorter contracts because it allows them to cash in on one more contact. Packers like it b/c it's short enough to limit their risk and force the player to perform to get that second payday. Did it for Jennings and Collins too. Like backloading used to be and frontloading is now, I think TT is starting a trend with these shorter contracts.

Overall, I don't think TT minds paying players. He just hates throwing money away on players not performing. So far he's done a great job on not throwing away too much money.

Is Barnett gone now? I don't see how he can stay with Bishop getting this contract.
Great news. Thompson and his staff have to be commended for reupping on Tramon and Bishop before they cost a helluva lot more or we lose them.

We are damn lucky to have one of, if not the best GMs in the biz running the show.
That leaves Jenkins as the last big up coming FA. Unless you count Jones as a big FA. Depending on a new CBA Jenkins could be a candadate for a franchise tag.

And it leaves the question of Barnett or Hawk.

Even thought PPF says the packers have to chooce between Collins and Hawk, they have to mean Barnett and Hawk.

I would be surprised if they resign jenkins. He is a great player - when he plays, but he is over 30 now. they have neal and jolly coming back next year and wilson and wynn have played well. My guess is they cut barnett and brady poppinga now and draft another OLB and DL high in the draft
This is great news, and definitely the first player I wanted resigned of the group. This also brings some silver lining to coming back to the office and sitting at a computer for 9 hours getting my Packer news as it happens.

This definitely brings up an interesting situation at LB. Contracts are as follows (numbers include salary plus expected bonuses from

A.J. Hawk - $10M in 2011
Nick Barnett - $6M in 2011, $6.5M in 2012
Brandon Chillar - $2M in 2011, $2.7M in 2012, $3M in 2013
Brady Poppinga - $2.35M in 2011, $2.6M in 2012

Popp is an OLB, but he's as good as gone with the emergence of cheap replacements like Zombo and Walden. He should free up some money for the ILB situation.

I thought it might make sense to drop Chillar with his overpriced deal, but he's already been paid the bulk of it. I'd love to keep all three, but unfortunately it looks like they have to choose between AJ and Barnett.

I agree with Danhandy that Barnett's play combined with being locked up for two more years at a reasonable price might make him a valuable trade piece. We'll just see what Ted's got planned.
Originally posted by IL_Pack_Fan:
I agree with Danhandy that Barnett's play combined with being locked up for two more years at a reasonable price might make him a valuable trade piece. We'll just see what Ted's got planned.

Seattle need a linebacker?
Originally posted by kworst:
I would be surprised if they resign jenkins. He is a great player - when he plays, but he is over 30 now. they have neal and jolly coming back next year and wilson and wynn have played well. My guess is they cut barnett and brady poppinga now and draft another OLB and DL high in the draft

Good points, but they have pretty decent DL depth. I could see them taking one on day 3.

I say resign either Jenkins OR Barnett. But not both.
Like Jonathon Vilma, I think someone will trade for Barnett. Both were in similar situations in that they were a 4-3 MLB miscast into the 3-4. Injuries and age might decrease Barnett's value but I think Vilma was traded for a 3rd and 4th. We mght see similar value for Barnett.
It's hard to believe that an aging LB with an injury history like Barnett would have much trade value, but I like CB's suggestion. Seattle overpaid for both Lynch and Whitehurst so that's where TT should shop him if possible.
I was going off hints Packers beat writers were giving earlier in the year. They suggest that extending Jenkins was something the Packers wanted to do.
The CBA, the health of Nelson, Jolly status, disappiontment in Spitz, the need to sign Colledge, maybe even Jones may have change the Packers plans. I currently have no clue what the Packers plans are, so Ted I know you are reading this, give me a call so I can tell you what to do.
Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong
Another example of TT rewarding performance on the field. Much as with Tramon. Has to send a strong signal to the locker room.

I like that decision logic as opposed to what he did last year with Chillar and Poppinga. Still trying to figure those out, frankly.
Originally posted by kworst:
barnett could have some trade value - He injured his wrist. He didnt blow out his knee or something career ending like that

He didn't blow out his knee this year.


[Comment From aj hawkaj hawk: ]
hey mike, with desmond bishop's extension, do you think it's more likely that ted and i restructure my deal and barnett gets cut, or i am putting my house up for sale?
Tuesday January 4, 2011 1:31 aj hawk

Mike Vandermause:
What I like about you A.J. is you are a team player through and through. You essentially got benched in the first Eagles game yet didn't complain too loudly. Yes, you expressed a desire to see more action, but you were respectful and cordial about it and didn't go on a rant. And you have played solidly this season. I know people criticize you for not making enough of an impact based on your draft position. But there's something to be said for lining up every game and doing your job. So, the big question is, how much will it take to keep you in a Packers uniform? If you don't ask for the sun, moon and stars, I think you have a future in Green Bay. Don't put your house up for sale just yet
For Hawk, I think playing time is as important as salary. Although he didn't complain very loudly after not playing in the Eagles game, through his agent he asked the Packers to trade him if he was not going to be playing.

"There’s still more than a month before the NFL’s Oct. 19 trading deadline and although Hawk’s agent, Mike McCartney, stressed that Hawk remains committed to the team that drafted him fifth overall in 2006, he indicated that Hawk would be willing to change teams if it meant more playing time."


I can't see the Packers cutting him, and getting nothing in return for him. They are somewhat restricted in trading him, because another team would have restructure a new deal with Hawk before the trade or take on his salary.

Given the injury run this year, a potential 18 game schedule, and the recent injuries to Barnett, I think TT might keep all 3 next year and hope the coaches can deal with the unhappy one who won't be getting playing time.

Maybe he pays part of Hawks salary next year with the savings from cutting Poppinga, who will be buried on the depth chart who with Jones, Zombo, a potential draft pick (and even perhaps Walden) at that position next year.

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