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...because it's football.

...because there's nothing else on (trust me)

...because Fedya's modem is so slow, he's listening to the Nixon/Kennedy debate tonite.

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because there's nothing else on (trust me)

You could watch Joan Crawford in Torch Song. (8:00 PM ET) It's terrible, but one of those hilariously bad movies.  The highlight might be Joan Crawford in blackface:

South Park reruns are featured on Comedy Central on Monday nights.
Oh, and rasslin' on the USA Network.

Speaking of comedy and rasslin', tonight's game may contain plenty of both. It may be a high-scoring one, with both teams in the 30's; one possibly even being in the 40's.
Both teams are struggling on defense, to put it as kindly as possible.

ChilliJon posted:

So I received a random e-mail at 9:15am this morning that my sons high school was on lockdown. I sent a text to my son with no answer. 

Four police officers crashed second period and told everyone to get hands on desk and no one moves with tazers drawn. My son put his hands on his desk and watched the police cuff a kid (Daniel in case it's not mentioned) and watched him look at my son and laugh. 

Turns out Daniel had a 54 person kill list with my son on it for being on the baseball team. He planned on killing 25 minutes before he was arrested. My son might have been his first target. 

My cousin is former undercover federal DEA that was on scene when I showed up demanding to get my son off campus. He told me credible threat and no found weapon with possible secondary accomplice at large. 

So forgive me for saying **** Hillary and Donald. Neither is capable of fixing anything. 

Wow, how frightening. So sorry to hear that.


Jesus Christ.

What a f'd-up world we live in. Parent's worst nightmare--glad somebody tipped the authorities. Whenever I hear about teens getting their hands on multiple weapons, I can't help but think the parents ought to be charged as accomplices whether they knew about it or not.


Last edited by Blair Kiel

Chili, how utterly frightening for you, your son, and your family. My family worries about my safety in the classroom when they hear things like this, even though I try to assure them I'm okay. Who knows for real? There's very little respect today for schools and teachers.

The Saints are a hot mess!
Pretty close too, if not in, cap hell.
HC is growing stale, and their QB is long of tooth. 
And I don't know they have a lot of young talent to develop.

I keep waiting for the hammer to drop in New Orleans, and start the demolition/rebuilding that team needs. New GM, new HC, new QB, and new players.

And once again the team that wins both the TO differential & average yards gained per pass attempt, wins the game by more than one score. It happened 8 times this week. The only "outlier" was Seattle, who lost TO battle, but won big. 

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