Arm was going forward. Pass was a duck but Brock throws a lot of wabbly ducks, so, forward pass.
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oshbaul posted:Arm was going forward. Pass was a duck but Brock throws a lot of wabbly ducks, so, forward pass.
I think he was trying to tuck it. Looked like he never released the ball from his fingers.
Osh must be drunk as a skunk. I understand him.
Maybe change his name to Brick Lobster"?
I'd say Lamar Miller got revenge on the team that didn't want him.
So who do we want at QB in 2 weeks? Brock Lobster or Tannehill?
Brocktober will be over by then so it will probably be Tannehill.
Tannehill's shoulder injury seems to be more serious than Miami is letting on.
Yeah, it's almost Packerish how they are handling it. Almost.
Osh Lobster??
Maybe Gruden will trade Carr for Tannehill. I recall several times him saying on Monday Night Football, "I just love this Ryan Tanneeeehill!!!"
Didn't Gruden love every QB?
"I love deez guys...."
Gruden will trade any player that had anything to do with McKenzie drafting him.
Come home Reggie...The Packers have a position for you.
Agree. Gruden is purging his team to remake it in his image, even though Reggie had it on the right track.