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@Tschmack posted:

I think they simply have a lot more options defensively now so you can use Lopez a little differently.

Tucker can basically guard just about anyone, including bigs.  Holiday and Middleton and DDV are also plus level defenders.  Giannis is Giannis- one of the best in the the league.  

The only thing I'd add to that is that you are selling Holiday a little short. He might be one of the best on-ball perimeter defenders in the NBA. His domination of Dame Lillard in that Pelicans-Blazers sweep a few years ago was next level.

That wasn’t my intent to sell him short.  He’s an elite defender.  If he can basically guard Doncic for nearly a quarter and shut him out (or Dame as you referenced) you have to be pretty damn good.  

I’m excited to see how they match up in the playoffs.  Lots of options to match up.  If I’m the Nets or Sixers I’m hoping another team beats Milwaukee so they don’t have to face them.

Last edited by Tschmack

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