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The "D" team announcers were horrible.  ""________" was open for a TD", had to have been said 6 or 7 times.  On the Maryland TD, I though it was obvious that the kid did not step OOB, but it took them 7 minutes of rambling before it dawned on them what might have happened.  Glad they moved dead eyes to the sideline though.  

Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:

The "D" team announcers were horrible.  ""________" was open for a TD", had to have been said 6 or 7 times.  On the Maryland TD, I though it was obvious that the kid did not step OOB, but it took them 7 minutes of rambling before it dawned on them what might have happened.  Glad they moved dead eyes to the sideline though.  

I agree.  They were baaaaaaaaad

Well, the ST's did good, then bad....then...oops! an "almost" on-sides kick returned but got a break when Maryland was off-side.


What I don't understand is....why did the ref blow the whistle BEFORE the end of that play.  They blew the whistle to stop the play when the guy was still on the 10 yard line going in.


Does anyone know why?   Usually the play continues to the end...then, the refs sort out everything.


Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:

As soon... as the guy was offsides the... play was DEAD,,, so you blow the... whistle

I didn't know that was the rule.  It must've changed the rule recently.  In the Penn State/Wisconsin game a few years back, they ran the entire play out, then afterwards, sorted out the penalty.  The clock kept running until the whistle.

Last edited by SanDiegoPackFan

the best way to make sense with your posts for elkabong is to use commas semicolons colons and other punctuation that might cause him to pause when reading what you posted so that he can see where your thoughts are coming from and what you might be thinking instead of just spewing from a stream of conciousness see what i mean

thanks, Hungry5,  I was just trying to make the point that there must be a rule difference in college as compared to the NFL.


I n   c o l l e g e   f o o t b a l l ,   t h e   w h i s t l e   d o e s n' t   s t o p

p  l  a y   w h e n   a   p l a y e r   i s  o f f s i d e s   o n  t h e   k i c k o f f.


Unless - the NCAA has changed the rule since the Penn State/Wisconsin game a few years back.


Last edited by SanDiegoPackFan

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