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Yes, Mertz and the offense was frustrating,  but the defense continues to suck.  After this game I believe they are ranked in the 100s on D.  That’s not good enough in D2 much less the Big Ten.  And it’s not like they’ve faced offensive juggernauts week after week.

Unless Leonhard pulls a rabbit out of his hat they need to clean house with this coaching staff.

Full disclosure, I'm a Chryst fan, but this is a product of doing something so knee jerk and classless. Illinois has a fine football team this year and even with WSU's loss yesterday, they have played some excellent football. Losses to both these squads is not the end of the world. A blow out loss on the road to the best team in college football is to be expected. So now you have a poorly coached team with an inconsistent QB and a real chance of finishing below .500. The only thing they  have going for them is a less than stellar schedule of opponents. None of this will help recruiting. By all means get rid of McIntosh. There's your Accountability, buddy.

This may have been classless and it may have been knee jerk but we do not know what has been said and done behind closed doors.  Certainly this didn’t look like business as usual for Wisconsin which leads me to think that something more than the on field results was at play.

Mens buckets and hockey are not looking good either and the new AD has plenty on his plate.

Well, it’s been disclosed that when UW lost their director of recruiting to Michigan State almost 2 years ago the program didn’t fill the position and basically muddled their way through the last couple of seasons.  That’s inexcusable.  No wonder this team lacks talent all over the place.

Oh, and as someone that’s spent a fair amount of time in Spokane and western Idaho for work I can tell you Washington State is nothing special. They are Purdue of the Pac Ten and haven’t been decent since the Ryan Leaf days almost 20 years ago.

Last edited by Tschmack

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